Does anybody else get the idea that Theresa May might have become "un-neutralized?"
Q has mentioned that Putin is controlled by the three families: (#15)
>There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
But he also pointed out this: (#133)
> “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
So we know Putin has had issues with the Rothschilds & Co., then threw them out. We also know that Russia has been scapegoated for everything…but primarily by whom? Globalist-allied media and deep state actors, for the most part, and those parroting them. Everyone on this board has been accused of being a Russian bot at one point or another, and I doubt any of us are. I know I'm not, and the only bots I've experienced are the shills in here.
We know that the C_A has spoofed attacks to look as if they've originated in China and/or Russia:
We also know that Q has mentioned the "Russian Reset" in #237:
>Biggest cover up in our history.
>U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.
I>ran deal.
>Russian reset.
We also know that May had been "neutralized" from #620:
>May is neutralized.
>MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
>Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
>These people are stupid.
I'm thinking that the Deep State ordered these hits on these Russian spies, and went into overdrive blaming the Russians to keep that bullshit narrative going. Why would they do it so ham-handedly, with all of this attention on them already? Likely those spies had information on the U1 scandal, among other things. I'm thinking that the deep state–in particular the Rothschilds, are trying to bring all the anger they can muster down on Russia. I would bet that they are the ones ultimately behind these killings, and May decided to go with it because…why wouldn't she, given a choice between "neutralization" and staying in power via Deep State puppetry? The more that they can discredit Russia, the more they can scapegoat them and empower the media to push narratives blaming them for everything the Deep State does.
Tillerson was fired pretty quickly after Tweeting that he felt that Russia was likely behind the poisonings. Did Trump get rid of him for speaking without consulting with Trump first? I'd be pissed if I were President and someone were putting out a statement on such a matter without consulting me first. Certainly it wasn't too much to ask to provide a sample to Russia so they could do their own investigation–it's not as if anyone would believe them if they denied it, but it would have been a reasonable accommodation in light of the accusation.
I'm no fan of Russia. Honestly, I'm sure that there are bad elements there that are doing horrible things, just like there are bad actors in the US. I doubt Putin has full control over there, and I know Putin is no innocent, virginal lamb. But we know they didn't hack Hillary's email. We know they didn't hack our elections. We know they didn't collude with Donald Trump. And I'm guessing that they didn't kill those spies, either–at least, not the ones in the past week.