i believe you are right
either way we should know soon
i dont think POTUS can afford to wait too much longer to go public/drop the hammer with elections in november
not to mention my nerves….
POTUS is nails
this was irony - but it reflects the truth of raving religious fanatics
the reason Q said this is not about religion is because it DIVIDES WE THE PEOPLE
Hear that pro lifers? keep it to yourself its your own business and does belong here
thy will be done
i couldnt care less about nonsense slurs
i only care about winning with POTUS
and divided we fall - abortion is a 50-50 proposition - cant get more divided than that
Q brought up abortion/PP as evil and that was wrong - it has been in the breads for that reason
no i never say pro life is not rational
the responses to those that do not agree are irrational
this came up because Q posted on PP was evil but there was no evidence of that unless you believe abortion per se is evil
and so it went
i just dont want to lose 50% of the country who are not pro life
depends on the exact question context demography etc
subject to severe manipulation of course
but it been pretty consistent at 50-50 since 1973 so thousands of surveys
also confirmed by the even split in elected officials
its a mexican stand off - cant be resolved by Q and this movement
your hypothetical is false
this dichotomy is real
the libs would trade your guns for abortion
it demonstrates the division on a constitutional right - you cant pick which ones YOU like