I'd like to point out that the R vs D, Conservative vs. Liberal is a programming meant to divide us.
I used to be a progressive and watch Turks/Hartmann. I was the President of my union. But when I saw Trump's first campaign, I loved him. When it looked like it was going to be Trump vs. Bernie, I thought win-win.
You need to realize that Bernie the socialist served a purpose for the Great Awakening. Bernie reached out to young people with a ton of student debt, no jobs, and living in mom's basement. He presented an ideal that IF we didn't spend money of stupid wars, we could easily have that liberal dream.
What do you think it is going to be like when the cabal/deep state is defeated. There will be no more war. Poverty, the environment, health will all be addressed. It will be a whole new world. Bernie let us have a "glimpse" of the potential. He is/was part of the plan.
But… we voted Trump in. And we are winning Bigly.
Praise KEK and Praise our Everlasting Holy Father who keeps His promises. The veil is lifting and I like it.