Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 6:42 p.m. No.6920645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Maps down, sparking mass disorientation


The Google Maps server has gone offline in some parts of the world, and users are finding themselves utterly disoriented – or not finding themselves at all. Instead, they are reportedly shown “no results found” error messages.


The app has been reported down in the US, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia, with both coasts of the US apparently hit the worst. Both the Chrome and Android versions of the app are not functional, according to the reports.


Over 1,000 people reported the problem to website Outage Report within a 20-minute period, with some reporting it had been fixed and others still apparently stranded in GPS-less limbo. Twitter was full of panicked users wondering if they were alone in this nightmare, while others tried to make the best of the situation: “Google Maps took me in an unexpected journey to the past, I loved it,” one person tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.6920664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FaceBook half down EXPOSES Object Recognition AI on our images!


Check it out, some sort of facial Recognition system, but then with entire images! A sort Object Recognition FaceBook AI…. Hmmm


(Normally you do not see this, only exposed with FaceBook half down like it is today):


Our researchers and engineers have addressed this by training image recognition networks on large sets of public images with hashtags, the biggest of which included 3.5 billion images and 17,000 hashtags. The crux of this approach is using existing, public, user-supplied hashtags as labels instead of manually categorizing each picture. This approach has worked well in our testing. By training our computer vision system with a 1 billion-image version of this data set, we achieved a record-high score — 85.4 percent accuracy — on ImageNet, a common benchmarking tool. Along with enabling this genuine breakthrough in image recognition performance, this research offers important insight into how to shift from supervised to weakly supervised training, where we use existing labels — in this case, hashtags — rather than ones that are chosen and applied specifically for AI training. We plan to open source the embeddings of these models in the future, so the research community at large can use and build on these representations for high-level tasks.



Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6920684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Sunscreen to Bug Spray: How To Protect Your Kids From Chemical Poisoning This Summer


The Facts: From chemical-laden sunscreens to bug sprays with DEET, there is plenty to be cautious about before lathering up your kids in the name of protection.

Reflect On: What simple changes can you make to protect your family this summer?


Summertime should be a carefree time of year as we head out on vacation, go to the beach, or hike in the woods. We shouldn’t have to worry about the products that we use or the environmental toxins that might be hanging around. Unfortunately, in today’s world, our children’s bodies are getting bombarded with neurotoxins and cancer-causing chemicals at every turn. If we compare total body burden to a container, we can only fill it to capacity. Anything above capacity causes spillover or, in other words, allergy symptoms and ultimately sickness.


Here are some tips for reducing toxic exposure:


Stop using chemical sunscreens.

Stay away from conventional bug spray with DEET and other harmful chemicals.

Avoid playgrounds and sports fields that use mulch made from recycled rubber tires.

Reduce exposure to weed killers and pesticides found on grass, and in food.

Do not drink from plastic bottles, especially ones left in the hot sun or a warm car.

Prevent your child from drinking from a hose.


Chemical Sunscreens


It’s time we stop lathering our kids and ourselves with chemical sunscreen. Many ingredients in conventional sunscreens are not safe for humans or aquatic life. It is time that we stop using them. There is an abundance of data that links the ingredient Octinoxate to thyroid dysfunction, endocrine disruption, and reproductive toxicity. It is also believed to affect development, brain function, and metabolism. Oxybenzone, sometimes called benzophenone-3, is linked to endocrine disruption, organ toxicity, and allergies. Homosalate is used to prevent the body from absorbing UV light. This ingredient is linked to hormone disruption and is believed to enhance the absorption of toxic bug spray and pesticides. Other dangerous ingredients include: artificial fragrances and preservatives such as BHT, which when applied to the skin is believed to be associated with toxic effects in lung tissue.

Vitamin D3 – The Sunshine Vitamin


Despite widespread belief, moderate sun exposure is beneficial to our health. Vitamin D, especially the form D3 or “the sunshine vitamin,” is the only vitamin your body makes itself with the help of the sun. So be sure to get enough sun exposure to help the body make this essential nutrient. Low vitamin D levels in your blood are linked to a higher incidence of cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, depression, arthritis, and many other degenerative diseases. So, hold off on trying to protect yourself from the rays of the sun at every turn. Allow yourself to play outside, garden, and enjoy the rays in moderation.

Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.6920698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has Trump Turned an Important Corner?


Donald Trump’s surprise visit to North Korea last week was impressive. It was a bold first step in repairing a foreign policy in tatters after more than a year of assaults by his neoconservative boobsie-twins Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton.


Trump took Kim at his word who said after talks broke down thanks to Bolton and Pompeo in Hanoi that no dialogue would be possible if Bolton was involved.


So, Trump sent Bolton to Mongolia. Then he went to Korea and did the one thing he had to do to begin unraveling the mess he’d gotten himself into.


Last week I asked where does Trump go after his confrontation with Iran? Trump answered that question in dramatic fashion. And he deserves a lot of credit for it.


But what does this mean in the wider context? It’s a good first step but we’ve seen this game from him before, making bold moves only to be reined in by his staff.


I would say that the optics of sending Bolton to Mongolia are pretty clear. Bolton’s time in the White House is nearly over. This is also a strong signal to Iran that Trump trying to back down without actually saying that.


The drone incident was intended to box Trump into a path to war with Iran after the tanker attack in the Gulf of Oman two weeks prior. That was likely not the Iranians but the Saudis and/or MEK, again trying to get Trump to fly off the handle, since he’s easily manipulated into emotional acts.


But he was talked out of it at the last minute, presumably by Tucker Carlson, who was with him on Air Force One when Trump went to meet Kim.


Has Trump finally woken up to the reality that he can’t appease these neocons anymore? That their lust for power can only be sated by perpetual war? That he has to lead and be President? Asking for advice from your cabinet is one thing, being led by your nose to foregone conclusions which are anathema to what put you in the White House in the first place is another.


He hasn’t drained one ounce of The Swamp because he wasn’t strong enough to do it.


His instincts are correct. His desire for denuclearization is sincere. Like Trump or not, he’s a patriot. What he does he does out of this sense of patriotism. It’s laudable but it also makes him vulnerable to bad advice and his own personality defects.


And those things nearly got the world into a war where no one wins.


So, with all that said, now what?

Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.6920774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1150 >>1348

Philly DA Eliminates Fines And Fees For Defendants In Poverty


Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner has announced that the city will eliminate various court-related fines and fees for impoverished defendants, and will instead focus on their payment of restitution in cases involving victims according to the Philly Voice.


"Today, Philadelphia is a giant leap closer to a truly fair and consistent system of justice in which low-income defendants do not face additional punishment by way of unaffordable fines and fees that drive them deeper into debt and poverty," said Krasner.


The current system requires defendants to pay fees such as the court-mandated booking center fee ($175), judicial computer project fee ($12), Commonwealth costs ($20.30), costs of prosecution ($50), county court costs ($29.85), state court costs ($13.55), monthly offender supervision fees (minimum $25) and fees associated with the particular crimes in question. -Philly Voice


Under the new policy, fees would be waived for indigent defendants if they meet the following criteria.


Representation by the public defender, court-appointed counsel, pro bono counsel, or any free legal services organization

Are receiving means-based public assistance

Have an income at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

Provide evidence showing that they are indigent


"Waiving fines and fees can help indigent defendants afford transportation and other costs associated with employment, education and training programs, completing probation terms, and child or elder care," added Krasner.


For offenders who owe restitution to a victim, what little funds or income they do have would be used to make those payments.


"For people living just above the poverty line, fines and court fees become an obstacle to rehabilitation," said Chief Defender Keir Bradford-Grey of the Philadelphia Defender Association.

"They can trap people in a cycle of poverty and incarceration and effectively turn our jails into debtors’ prisons.

Just last year, courts in Philadelphia ordered people to pay over $21 million in fees despite the fact that more than a quarter of Philadelphians live below the poverty line."

Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.6920816   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A clash between Jews in Krakow highlights growing acceptance of Chabad in Europe


Pictures of a standoff between armed guards and Jewish worshippers in front of a locked synagogue shocked people abroad, but it’s only one side of a lengthy European power struggle


JTA — When burly guards working for the Jewish Community of Krakow blocked the entrance to a Chabad-run synagogue, it was the culmination of a series of clashes between the local establishment and the Hasidic outreach movement.


That scene on Monday also echoed numerous previous clashes – some physical — across Europe.


In 2016, guards working for the Jewish Community of Lithuania ejected the Chabad emissary to that country, Rabbi Sholom Ber Krinsky, and his followers from one synagogue. Krinsky was officially banned from entering another synagogue in 2017. In 2004, a similar showdown in Vilnius ended in a brawl.


They are extreme examples of tensions that pit relatively small Jewish community associations concerned with preserving traditions (and sometimes control of restitution money) against what they perceive as ideologically driven outsiders. The local “communities” — that is, officially sanctioned governing bodies that represent Jewish interests — often accuse the haredi Orthodox Chabad of displaying little sensitivity, patience and diplomatic skills in dealing with native co-religionists.


Chabad denies the claim, saying the young, charismatic rabbi-and-wife teams they send to establish synagogues and Jewish centers across Europe are providing essential services for historic Jewish populations depleted by time and tragedy. The movement says it opens doors to Judaism for Jews of all backgrounds, despite its adherence to strict Orthodox practice.




Deceptive headline look thru the spin

Anonymous ID: 27ec8a July 4, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.6920981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Fantasist' known as Nick stands by his story as he faces court grilling over his claims that he was raped by Jimmy Savile, politicians, and Army chiefs


Carl Beech alleged he had been sexually abused by a Westminster VIP sex ring

Giving evidence for the first time he named his step-dad as his first abuser

Beech claimed Major Ray Beech had raped him on a day-trip to a safari park

'Nick' says Major Beech took him to parties where men such as Savile raped him

Beech, 51, is on trial for perverting the course of justice and fraud


The alleged fantasist accused of making 'heinous' false claims of VIP child sex abuse stood by his story yesterday.


Carl Beech insisted he was raped and tortured by a gang that included Army chiefs, politicians and TV presenter Jimmy Savile.


Entering the witness box for the first time, the 51-year-old vicar's son, previously known by the pseudonym Nick, told jurors how he was used as a human dartboard and given electric shocks by his alleged tormentors.


He also told Newcastle Crown Court that the former head of MI5, Sir Michael Hanley, threatened to make him 'disappear if I didn't do as I was told and no one would care'.


Repeating a claim he first made to police in 2014, Beech described how the ex-chief of the security service kidnapped his dog as a warning to comply with the paedophile ring's wishes.


Beech alleged that Sir Edward Heath was also part of the gang.


He claimed the former prime minister said he 'used to run the country' when they met at the private members' Carlton Club in central London.


In more than three hours of testimony, former health service manager Beech asserted that serial paedophile Savile – whom he said he recognised from his voice and mannerisms – raped him over a bath and held his head underwater.

