Anonymous ID: 4f00db PEDO ROBERT DE NIRO JUST ARRESTED IN PARIS FOR (CHILD?) PROSTITUTION? July 4, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.6920842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0860 >>0895 >>0960

Once again, Pedo De Niro is in Europe and Detained for Witness in a Worldwide Prostitution Ring!


Never forget, he is a boy child pedo, and was filmed in a movie "1900" from 1976, in Italy, where he played a Gay man, and filmed in bed, trying to give a shocking man a hand job! Not only that, but it contains a 12 yr old little boy, pleasuring himself, in a full straight, head on, leg spread shot for 1 minute. It is claimed to be a "Art" film, but its a pedo film.


This is when he and his friends like Roman Polanski, was arrested for child sex trafficing. All these pedo's are still his friends today. He was the only one who was not charged with underage sex, because Taxi Driver was just released, and he was a super star.


And Taxi Driver, was his real life story, of him moving into a child underage brothel, where he lived from age 12, after his father and his friends sexually abused him as a child. So Taxi Driver, based out of his very pedo lover life. He catered to old men, and how he got his nickname "Bobby Milk" - get it?


Search his "1900" movie title.


His anger to Trump is also with him being investigated in his Billion Dollar Criminal Scam he's part of, and Trump removing his child pedo supply of underage children, makes De Niro on the edge of insanity!


Also, De Niro owns the worldside restruant chain NUBO, and he uses his connections between all his restaurants as a child and drug trafficing network; given now to his son. NUBO LA is where one Harvey Weinstein preyed all his underage and women, and walked them to his apt. around the very corner. Not only that, but De Niro gave Havrey a KEY to his restraunt, so he could have underage girl parties, whenever he needed. De Niro is the one who supplied the underage children to his LA Hollywood clients.


Photo stills from "1900", and you can watch his gay pedo role, if you only look for this European Art film…

Anonymous ID: 4f00db July 4, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.6920895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0956



Nevermind. Old linked story…


But the facts are the same. Also, Bobby Milk (aka De Niro) was the drug dealer who used his trafficed in Herion, and injected on JOHN BELUSHI that killed him True. De Niro was in the room when officers arrived and all drugs flushed. he was questioned in a supena, and we was so scared, the criminal LA PD let him call in his testimony.


There are photos of De Niro in Afganastan, as he made his drug deal. So does anyone have his photo op, where he was wearing his Turbin and all wasted? That is the same drug connections that he used to bring in his smack, using his NUBO restraunt as this trafficing around the world. Seek and you will find.