Anonymous ID: 9be222 July 4, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.6920805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6920604 pb


Nah, might as well stay here and watch as we get nothing. It's not like there are better options to lies and bullshit that we like. Christians and conspiracy theorist are generally GOP factions and they get nothing. Christians only get what they want if it happens to coincide with what Jews want. Jews don't like alcohol consumption, so Reagan got rid of the ability of states to determine their own drinking age. That isn't really Christian, but they liked it I guess. Since then, only losses. And now people are saying that we have to have some sort of conflict with Iran because Iran isn't gay enough or something. This is the GOP President doing this. Total bullshit.


Our Q wins are supposedly real, only secret, but they appear to this point to be fictitious and imaginary. Still voting for him (probably, definitely not for a Democrat) might not vote. Very used to making choices between shitty and most shitty, and I'm GOP, so I prefer the bullshit lies that the GOP tells us. Every year has been shittier than the last. The shocking censorship, the PC insanity of the Trump years, all going 100% against us is far worse than any good that tariffs or whatever else good Trump has done.


I read google is going to be censoring anti vaccine, anti GMO, anti Glyphosate across the board. Fucking awful. But, on the plus side, chinese imports cost more, and that probably means more american jobs, more jobs in a much shittier country. Country is getting worse.

Anonymous ID: 9be222 July 4, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.6920857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0912 >>0914



It wasn't "everyone".


However, if there was one specific date that we had our eyes on for something to happen, it was this July 4. We didn't have a specific date this year that something was supposed to happen that was bigger than July 4.


But no, not every single person said that something was going to happen today. Just that this was the most commonly cited date for something to happen.


And has anything happened? There are "booms" going on outside my house. Is it 1) Trump is getting rid of the deep state or 2) fireworks? It's fireworks.