Anonymous ID: bf90a6 July 4, 2019, 7:13 p.m. No.6920890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0898 >>0942 >>0948 >>0966

not beeing a dick but looking at one side only the possative and psyoping it all over fb and twitter was your job it looks like…. to hide the hideous negative…

1.illegals still coming

  1. illegals get a free s7 phone a free ticket anywhere free healthcare and a debit card with your money on it … thank the government here could be fixed tomorow close the damn border and deport period…

  2. antifa still aloud to be terrorist while the msm defends them for beating up a ton of innocent people and then libel innocent people as far right because they were on the street?

4 . msm still lieing still spreading terrorism across america and no one does fuck all about it .

  1. still on a cb system that makes every one of you a sslave…

  2. your movement was co opted by a bunch of mentaly ill people that think a dead man is alive even though the fucking person they follow told them hes fucking dead your tards period

  3. colleges are being indoctrinated at no defense from potus to stop it or our leaders…

8 Rs still fucking around going against potus.

  1. criminals aloud to be criminals in our fucking congress with absolutely nothing being done(schiff pelosi schumer etc.)

keep talking about unemployment and fucking stupid ass economy its not fuck worth anything with our freedoms being striped people you seem to not pay attention…

  1. censorship and terrorism by google and msm to label anyone against them far right nazis deplatforming and ruining theyre livelihood and doxing innocent children…google is quite litterally brainwashing and is quite literally spreading lies as truth and truth as lies in the open .. hell google white couple … you get a mixed race couple and a bunch of lesbos…. come on people…

….. Q lastly i still believe why because theyre literally is nothing else other than civil war and none of uss want that… saying that hell saying happys 4th woulda been nice… potus saying what you told uss woulda been nice… but it seems every time you prove your real witch i fully believe somehow you are …. we get told hey they goin down only to see them walk away free and clear for literally murder at this point… enough is enough …. seriously ppl …. no I DONT GLOW no im not fbi cia a cop etcc have fun with that crazy shit .. no im not a shill… i notice the very very short end of possative against a list a mile long of negative shit …. 1 good and 20 bads still make 20 bads morans….. ima kek all the way till we are being murderd and jailed one by one cuz it really looks like we are failing miserably … but gl anons.

Anonymous ID: bf90a6 July 4, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.6921087   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes its very commical litterally at this point theyre are only 2 ways this ends semi good… and they both suck still and are slim to none of happening.

  1. martial law with massive millitary presense across usa and navy around all of usa to protect while this happens

  2. at least 5 million people say enough get theyre gones and fuck the government

those are the options ones better than the other with either happen ffs no it wont never will .