Interesting Twatter from David Hogg
Was meant to point out that, apparently, he is now for passing laws that are already on the books.
Either he is an idiot that doesn't even know his own cause, or he's been lied to.
Either way it makes the whole sham of a movement ridiculous.
I get that the whole 'mental illness' thing can be a VERY slippery slope (and it is).
However, in the particular case of the Parkland shootings, I would think holding a gun to your mothers head, then later holding a gun to your brother's head and the comment about wanting to be a 'professional school shooter' might qualify.
The parkland shootings were a failure of law enforcement on every level.
The fact that that piece of shit 'Shriff' Israel refuses to accept any responsibility is just sickening.
Agreed, they need to make sure to CLEARLY spell out what 'mentally unfit to own a gun' means.
Holy Moly! All the Medicare Fraud Indictments lately..