Link to Card Collection Thread
Yes soooo much news and players and organizations…. I have lists, and a bunch of cards started and there are like 1000 Q posts…. so many connections and cards that explain meanings and on and on…
Trying to make as many as possible b4 Schiff hits the fan!
Oops I linked to wrong post…
Well i can't print these to sell… many issues why, long explanation…
However you are free to print and distribute all you want to redpill people… just don't sell them, legal issues.
Hey newfag…. go figure out what a meme is and how it's is used.
Taxes and such…
Also the artwork I made is based on photos from the internet even if I change them in photoshop, I do not own them…( the Obama HOPE poster artist was sued for making that poster, he used a photo taken by an AssociatedPress photographer)
I would have to take my own pictures of POTUS and everyone else I use in a card.
I need to make different boarders…(these are MTG card templates for non profit use).
Until the truth comes out could get sued for slander.
And I'm sure there is a list of things I don't know about.
Think of these as memes…