In the future the reference point for having an informed and quality opinion will be, aside from the information itself, the cosmic energy quantity of the human in question (frequency state), that means his SPIRITUAL and not his earthly accomplishments.
To all Lightworkers and ones that love meditation - tomorrow is the weekly ascension meditation.
The number of people doing this creates the "meme magic" background to positive happenings.
It is one of the things that can have the biggest impact on all this from our side - as you know it has been stated over and over that prayer is important. You can participate even with just a positive thought if you don't have time. It will matter.
More at
>inb4 shill - If you think positive thoughts are shilling, then why are you here.
Whatever are needed at the time for the questions I ask.
I feel the need to periodically and unobstructively disseminate spiritual information in at least semi-understandable words.
Spirituality is individual. Whatever bothers you, you can relax, shake yourself from the influence, and enter a meditative state to receive guidance (and mental strength) from your own cool head. Don't try too hard, you will be able to do this nicely with practice.
Spirituality has nothing to do with any religion or ideology. Not my fault Cabal hijacked everything good.
Solving problems with positive energy is not feelgood. Big difference. Resist the programming. You will need a new pair of eyes for a spiritual perspective - ones that can look inside. Even my post is to be ignored in favor of your own inner meditative perspective.
Also important pic.