>>694880 I believe, [187] McCabe, GHWB gives the go
>>694986 No doubt, I suspect we will hear something soon
>>694993 Conveniently doesn't discuss the texts with the plotting between Strok and Page or the fact that he violated the Hatch Act. Poor Poor Victim.
>>695010 Sad commentary so deep for so long all the while trying to hold themselves up as the pillars of society. I saw this several years ago sadly it didn't surprise me at all its always been right in front of us, most just didn't take the time to see.
>>695173 Indeed, there are many more also hiding in plain site.
Real is not screaming you'll burn it down!!! Or if I'm going I'm taking all of you with me. You suck it up knowing your roll and the others will be exposed in due time.
>>695253 Well there is always the money Hillary gave him for his wife to run a known losing campaign, lol
>>695410 Theory is mine, but I think all of those texts and talk of Strozk is really McCabe, being the weasel that he his, I can see him taking on that persona easily, he seems to be driven by ego.
>>695414 Theory is mine, but I think all of those texts and talk of Strozk is really McCabe, being the weasel that he his, I can see him taking on that persona easily, he seems to be driven by ego.
>>695476 Hm, I understand what you are saying makes sense one of the Y's, My thought process on McMasters is this, if McCabe hadn't tried to trap Flynn the way he did, he would still be doing his job. My suspicion is the charges get dropped, because they were levied by McCabe and Trump re installs Flynn to his job.
Or Flynn goes to NSA,
Agreed I don't see him and Trump a good fit, from day one, It looked like McMaster couldn't get away fast enough.