Hey, so I'm just having some trouble reconciling things here. We are supposed to trust our military and the leaders within. But I have been watching our moves against Syria and I feel we are literally back to Obama era policy.
https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/02/22/us/politics/isis-syria-american-troops.html
>The Trump administration has decided that it needs no new legal authority from Congress to indefinitely keep American military forces deployed in Syria and Iraq, even in territory that has been cleared of Islamic State fighters, according to Pentagon and State Department officials.
>“The United States does not seek to fight the government of Syria or Iran or Iranian-supported groups in Iraq or Syria,” wrote Mary K. Waters, the assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs. “However, the United States will not hesitate to use necessary and proportionate force to defend U.S., coalition, or partner forces engaged in operations to defeat ISIS and degrade Al Qaeda.”
<American troops carried out strikes against forces loyal to President Bashar Assad of Syria several times in 2017 in the name of defending American-supported rebel groups.
So we are literally arming rebel groups again to overthrow Assad. Explain Q? How does sending more soldiers to die and even being in the middle east come close to America First? Looks like getting led by the nose by the jew to me. I know we aren't that stupid boys n girls. Keep your eyes open. Trust but Verify always. I have faith but it is not going to be blind belief. I just don't see how we are there for ISIS but literally are attacking pro Assad forces, the guys who want to kill ISIS too? And dethrone their democratically elected leader that Syria wants why exactly?
https:// www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-wants-to-get-the-us-out-of-syrias-war-so-he-asked-the-saudi-king-for-4billion/2018/03/16/756bac90-2870-11e8-bc72-077aa4dab9ef_story.html?utm_term=.bc5762742d6e