>1964 $1.25 = 2018 $15
>you missed
Aha! Another one of many fooled by an Orwellian language trick....
When money is 'created' as debt, into a national economy, the assets against which the loan is created have not increased.
This gives away the lie.
The value of every unit in circulation is decreased in line with national borrowing.
Thus what you think is 'inflation' is actually currency devaluation.
If the people believe in inflation, then it typically follows that they believe the causes for inflation are increases in material and/or labour costs, or just plain old greed hiking prices for fatcats at the top and shareholders.
For inflation, most of the public's ire is therefore directed at the government patsy's to create pressure for regulatory changes to affect the market place in favour of the consumer 'rights'.
If instead the people understood the real crime as currency devaluation, they would then rightly direct their ire towards the bankers and those who create our currency.
The current ruse against the world via internationlist financiers would fail in short order....