"What happens on a boat stays on a boat"- Oprah
"What happens on a boat stays on a boat"- Oprah
Y Heads….Y is for Yahhew?
Jewish "Gods" Worshipping “Yahweh” by means of a "Golden" Calf- Y heads covered in Gold?
From Sea to Shining Sea (Marker)
24 Jul 2018 - 8:45:27 AM
From Sea to Shining Sea.
Who does Huber report to [directly]?
Define evidence.
Who has the server?
Why does POTUS continually refer to the server?
POTUS does not speculate.
Future proves past.
Who has it all?
Topics stated in past.
Future BIG meaning?
Repeats important.
Think Twitter.
Those awake see.
Those asleep blind.
Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.
Silence is golden.
"Hidden Symbol"
The aleph-tav aleph-tav character symbol has been hidden in plain sight from the beginning, starting with the original Paleo-Hebrew scrolls written by the hand of Moses and the Prophets, then copied by scribes for thousands of years thereafter into modern Hebrew - but not translated by the Greek Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, the King James or subsequent English bible translations because it was not considered a word. However, as we shall see, the placement of these two Hebrew letters throughout scripture has far reaching implications.
The aleph (aleph) is the first letter of the Hebrew alephbet (alphabet), and the tav (tav) is the last letter of the alephbet. It is in the placement of these two very significant letters at strategic locations within many verses of Hebrew scripture that express the understanding of a total completeness. It is equivalent to saying "from alpha to omega, from a to z, from first to last, from beginning to end."…
Ceases to exist