The last time there was a Storm.. a remnant was saved.. a specific bloodline.
Who was Ziusudra? What does the name mean? How did they change Noah’s name “rest” from “eternal / everlasting”? One slight change in letter?
Who was Batanash? Wife of Lamech. Mother of Ziusudra.. raped by?
So Adam.. 1 seeding of DNA
Adapa… 2nd seeding of DNA
Ziusudra… 3rd seeding of DNA
Abram knew where the tablets of instruction were hidden..
Tut-Moses knew where the tablets of instruction were hidden..
Ra-Moses (half-brother) tried to stop Tus-Moses.. why did they change his name? Hiding the truth.
The cycle repeats and they know the cycle .. it is part of the design.. the very code of the Creator. A star operates in 8 dimensions.. point of “information” that manifests itself as a star.
What changes DNA? Cosmic, solar, UV
What happened in 1958? Why did we go to the moon? Rocks? Glass beads? Biggest secret on planet. Would put 90% of people in hospital?
What did Q say today? Humanity!
The preparation of the world has been underway .. to wake you from the spell .. awaken your consciousness..
They don’t want to lose their cattle..
They want you to stay…
But it is time to go.. as USA goes so goes the world. As the world turns.
The One.. the All…
Where we go.. One.. we go.. All.