ICAM: last bread, that you sharing story? Lamo's name too strange (like Hitlary's tweet about old lady dem NY Rep SLAUGHTER) …not sure about double meanings from Q since it's a day late but possible because "no coincidences" and Manning losing mind.
> No reason to think Manning was going to trans pre-Deep State torture. Manning's drop hurt deep state
But anyone else: maybe there's two factions in deep state? House divided /_\ cannot stand, and there could be some spy v spy going on? HRC is throwing self to wolves, but she does hate Hussein. Imagine what a problem that would be if HRC ripe over not being chosen in '08, even though she was TPTB with Hussein during reign of terror. Someone over them tried refereeing?
> Also Lamo is close to LMAO: what if Lamo whacked in Arkancide fashion by Hussein to draw more attention to HRC and her Arkancides, get Hussein out of spotlight?
Or it could be nuffin. But I see smoke… JA backed Manning so not sure we should be calling Manning "deep state"; he was gay guy sick of system, then tortured. Probably forced into transitioning. Now MKUltraed or Hussein wouldn't have pardoned him.