May God continue to bless our dear, brave POTUS and those he loves. He has truly brought this country back from the brink…but since his July 4th Salute to America, I read a few articles about it (normally publications that would shat all over POTUS no matter what good he has done) but I noticed a slightly different tone. I believe the tide is already beginning to turn. God, please keep our President safe. Amen.
Meaning Mueller has his own sealed indictments waiting…..or did I read that incorrectly?
tired anon
Ah, yes….thank you for clarifying, good sir.
It's been one hell of of day/night…the habbenings are kicking into high gear and I'm finally gaining ground with the coworkers I've been trying to redpill for well over a year and a half. Today was a great day & I look forward to those ahead.
That being said, I'm exhausted & must work tomorrow. I hope you frens/fam have a fantastic night. Love, peace & respect.*
(*excluding shills and breadshitters, of course.)
Night, all.