Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 4:57 a.m. No.6965072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5142 >>5320 >>5378 >>5463 >>5701 >>5757

Add to Qs drop from last night, family members of Politicians Dianne Fenstein’s husbands firm win deal to sell US Post Offices


Check is in the mail: Sen. Feinstein's husband to cash in selling old post offices

By Phillip Swarts, Washington guardian, June 13, 2013

The real estate giant chaired by Richard Blum, the husband of California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, is cashing in on a new federal crisis.


Just a few years after the firm now known as CBRE Group collected more than $108 million from a contract to help the FDIC sell foreclosed properties, the company owned in part by Blumis selling off old post offices under an exclusive contract with the financially struggling U.S. Postal Service, records show.


Officials for the Postal Service, Feinstein’s office and Blum’s company say the contract signed in 2011 with CBRE involved no political influence and was awarded to CBRE after a competitive process that involved six other firms.


Nonetheless, the deal is the latest example of how relatives of powerful politicians and federal officials routinely benefit from the largesse of a government overseen or run by their loved ones.


Blum and Feinstein, a California Democrat and one of the Senate’s most powerful members as chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, likewise have faced questions about overlapping business interests previously.


In late 2008, the real estate firm then-known as CB Richard Ellis senate-husbands-firm-cashes-in-on-crisis/?page=all”>won a contract from FDICto sell off properties the government inherited during the mortgage crisis at generous commission rates that ran as high as 8 percent to 30 percent.


Around the same time, Feinstein took the unusual action of introducing legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to the agency that had just awarded the contract.


Ethics experts raised concerns about the appearance of a conflict of interest, though all parties involved denied any wrongdoing. A subsequent review by FDIC’s internal watchdog found no irregularities in the real estate firm’s work for the FDIC and declared that it charged the government fair prices.


But the 2012 inspector general’s report also divulged just how handsomely CB Richard Ellis and its chairman of the board were rewarded: the firm between 2009 and 2011 collected a whopping $108,319,000 in fees and compensation under the deal, the report showed.


The Postal Service lost $15.9 billion last year and is liquidating the buildings in an effort to raise cash.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 5:10 a.m. No.6965142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5204 >>5245 >>5320 >>5701 >>5757


Well, well, well, DiFiChISpy’s husbands firm won post office, and mortgage crisis deal from government, lookie here, also in on the train to nowhere. Bet there’s a lot more government contracts through the years. Just wait till I get to Pelosi

Sen. Diane Feinstein’s husband wins CA rail contract 26 Apr, 2013

by CalWatchdog S

We have heard if this of late, where Governor Newsom stops building the train to nowhere, and President Trump taken back billions from CA


Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum, won the first phase construction contract for California’s high-speed rail. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.


If I didn’t witness the insanity and corruption in politics every day, I wouldn’t have believed this.


“The Perini-Zachary-Parsons bid was the lowest received from the five consortia participating in the bidding process, but “low” is a relative term,” the Laer Pearce, author of Crazifornia wrote. “The firms bid $985,142,530 to build the wildly anticipated first section of high speed rail track that will tie the megopolis of Madera to the global finance center of Fresno. Do the division, and you find that the low bid came in at a mere $35 million per mile.”


“As this fiasco progress, remember that this $35 million per mile represents the best California can do on the section of track the High on Crack Speed Rail Authority selected to go first because it will be the cheapest,” Pearce said.


Read Pearce’s story here. And stop staring dumfounded at the computer screen. Yes, this is true.


California high-speed rail cost may approach $100 billion 21 New business plan shows how project was railroaded into higher costs


By Adam Brinklow Mar 12, 2018, 11:42am PDT


Their Governor wants to use 3 Billion dollars of unspent Federal funding and wants more with no promise of better management, no promise to examine whether or not corruption is involved in the over budget spending…just give us an endless supply of Federal funds to get the project finished or we will have wasted all the money we’ve spent…or squandered already.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 5:20 a.m. No.6965204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5225


Pelosi influences a political position for partner/investors daughter, an ambassadorship


Pelosi's disclosure belated in husband's land deal

Partner is father of favored envoy

By Chuck Neubauer - The Washington Times - Monday, October 10, 2011

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s husband, a real estate developer and investment banker, stands to make millions of dollars in a previously undisclosed residential real estate project in California as a partner with the father of a woman Mrs. Pelosi helped become ambassador to Hungary, records show.


Paul F. Pelosi’s investment in Russell Ranch is worth at least $5 million and possibly as much as $25 million in a deal put together by his friend and longtime business associate, Angelo Tsakopoulos, patriarch of a multimillion-dollar real estate development firm, according to Mrs. Pelosi’s latest personal-disclosure statement.


Mr. Pelosi said in an email from his wife’s spokesman that initially he invested between $1 million and $5 million in the project a dozen years ago, although its value has shot up recently as the undeveloped land moves closer to being annexed by a nearby city. He said the Russell Ranch investment had increased in value less than 5 percent per year over the last dozen years.


‘’’Despite his involvement in the project dating back to the late 1990s, Mrs. Pelosi first listed the investment in May 2010 on her federal financial-disclosure forms covering the couple’s finances during 2009. The forms are required annually and are supposed to identify assets she and her husband have that are worth more than $1,000’’’


The first Russell Ranch listing came a month after The Washington Times raised questions about business dealings between Mr. Pelosi and Mr. Tsakopoulos and Mrs. Pelosi’s successful efforts to help his daughter, Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis, become ambassador. For 2009, Mrs. Pelosi reported that the Russell Ranch investment was worth between $1 million and $5 million. The next year, she listed the value as between $5 million and $25 million.


Nadeam Elshami, spokesman for Mrs. Pelosi, said the California Democrat did not have to list the Russell Ranch investment because it was held in the name of another company her husband owns, Forty-Five Belden Corp., which is a Subchapter S corporation and taxes it owes are paid by the shareholders rather than the corporation.


‘’’Q, I hope this is one of the changes coming in Congress on financial disclosures’’’


While federal officials usually have to list the underlying assets of their privately held companies that hold investments, the House does not require such disclosures for Subchapter S corporations

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 5:25 a.m. No.6965225   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pelosi’s Husband Invested in Solar Firm Weeks Before Lucrative Expansion


SunEdison is now eyeing bankruptcy, but Paul Pelosi invested right before a 2014 stock rally


Lachlan Markay - APRIL 19, 2016 11:15 AM


House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s husband bought up to a quarter million dollars of stock in a now financially troubled green energy company just weeks before it announced a major 2014 acquisition that sent stock prices soaring, public records show.


SunEdison told regulators last week that it is eyeing bankruptcy under the weight of $11.7 million in debt. But in late 2014, investors were bullish on the company, which manufactures and operates solar and wind power facilities.


Its 2014 purchase of wind energy company First Wind "further bolstered the reputation of the company," wrote one market-watcher at the time. "Perhaps unsurprisingly, SunEdison's stock soared an astounding 29% on news of this acquisition alone."


Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, had invested just in time. He bought between $100,000 and $250,000 in SunEdison stock on Oct. 24, 2014, according to congressional financial disclosures. The company announced its First Wind acquisition on Nov. 17.


Pelosi has previously been accused of trading stock based on information gleaned through her official duties. She participated in Visa’s initial public offering as the company fought a House bill to subject credit card companies to increased regulation. The measure failed to pass.


A law passed in the wake of that controversy prohibits members of Congress from using nonpublic information for personal gain. Language in that measure was informally dubbed the "Pelosi Provision.


In addition to her stock trades, Pelosi steeredmore than $1 billion in federal subsidies to a light rail project that likely improved the value of the San Francisco headquarters of cloud computing company Salesforce, in which her husband had invested up to $1 million.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.6965301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5322

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Nancy Pelosi's Father Has Interesting FBI File. JFK Worried That Pelosi's Father Was Tied to the Mob.


Nancy Pelosi's father Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. allegedly was a "constant companion" of notorious mobster Benjamin "Benny Trotta" Magliano and other underworld figures during his political years in Baltimore, MD. D'Alesandro was a Congressman for five terms from 1938 to 1947, and Baltimore mayor for three terms from 1947 to 1959. Magliano was identified by the FBI as one of Baltimore's "top hoodlums," and he widely was acknowledged as the representative for New York's Frankie Carbo who made his bones with Murder, Inc. and later became a made guy in the Lucchese family. The allegations are included in D'Alesandro's recently-released FBI files which Friends of Ours has obtained pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.


In 1947 the FBI investigated Magliano for securing a draft exemption from Selective Service for himself and prize fighters he controlled by falsely representing they had essential employment at American Ship Cleaning Company which was operated by John Cataneo. In fact, Magliano and his boxers had no such employment, and they were convicted with Cataneo in federal court for their unpatriotic draft-dodging scam. Peter Galiano, one of the convicted boxers, told the FBI in January 1947 that "Thomas D'Alesandro was a constant companion of John Cataneo; Benjamin Magliano . . . and [redacted]"


Meanwhile, the allegations against D'Alesandro continued to pile up. Finally, in January 1961 President John F. Kennedy requested the G-men to address "allegations of D'Alesando's involvement with Baltimore hoodlums; with favoritism in awarding city contracts; [and] protection for political contributors and the prosecution of local cases." President Kennedy wanted to appoint D'Alesandro to the United States Renegotiation Board which was a government watchdog against profit gouging by defense contractors. A February 6, 1961 memo from Hoover to the Baltimore and Washington Field Offices cautiously advises: "The White House has requested that we proceed with a special inquiry investigation but that if substantial derogatory information were developed, we should report this and discontinue any further inquiries because substantiation of any of the allegations would eliminate D'Alesandro."


D'Alesandro also was accused by highly-credible police officers of providing protection to Baltimore hoodlums. For example, "in 1945, Captain JOHN R. ROLLMAN, Western District, Baltimore Police Department, Baltimore, Maryland, furnished information to the Baltimore Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning one CHARLES F. CAMMARATA, who until a short time previously had operated a tavern at 641 West Baltimore Street." According to Captain Rollman "


Could this be why Pelosi protects MS13 gang? Her father protects hoodlums, she protects gangs and illegal aliens


CAMMARATA had gotten away with all sorts of criminal activities in the Western District due to the protection of Maryland United States Representative THOMAS D'ALESANDRO

Pelosi the Daughter learned from her father, get in government and you’ll always be protected


and "CAMMARATA was alleged to be gambling in various crap and card games in Baltimore." Once again, the FBI never did anything about these allegations at the time they were made, and in 1961 when the G-men finally got around to taking a look into them Captain Rollman since had died and "CAMMARATA's current whereabouts are unknown."


Another serious allegation against D'Alesandro was that he had received kickbacks from building developer Dominic Piracci on city contracts. Piracci's account ledger included several payments totaling $11,000 to D'Alesandro which he later erased to keep the information from investigators.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 5:50 a.m. No.6965378   🗄️.is 🔗kun


EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds


Of course she did! Bet you AOC, Tlaib, Omar learned their tricks from the Speaker


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has directed nearly $100,000 from her political action committee to her husband’s real estate and investment firm over the past decade, a practice of paying a spouse with political donations that she supported banning last year.


Financial Leasing Services Inc. (FLS), owned by Paul F. Pelosi, has received $99,000 in rent, utilities and accounting fees from the speaker’s “PAC to the Future” over the PAC’s nine-year history.


The payments have quadrupled since Mr. Pelosi took over as treasurer of his wife’s committee in 2007, Federal Election Commission records show. FLS is on track to take in $48,000 in payments this year alone - eight times as much as it received annually from 2000 to 2005, when the committee was run by another treasurer.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.6965463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5701 >>5757


Anons this is just the tip of the spear of corruption for DFiChiSpy and Pelosi, can you imagine how much more we can find on them and others, this took less than an hour to find these multiple articles, but corporate investigation may unveil some very spectacular results. You guys have already done a lot of work on this two, do have a complete map of connections to them and the 1,000s of others on take?


OCTOBER 20, 2018 StarKist, Pelosi, political favors, and political corruption

By Jack Hellner

When I heard that StarKist was being fined as much as $100 million for price-fixing, I thought of Nancy Pelosi.


StarKist Co. has reportedly agreed to plead guilty to charges of price fixing as part of a conspiracy with two of its competitors to keep the price of canned tuna high.


I knew that since the media are so concerned about corporate and political corruption and the rich that they would then talk about House minority leader Pelosi and her husband in the article about the corruption, so I was just shocked that…the Pelosi name didn't come up.


Because not too long ago, the news headlines were like this:


The Minimum Wage, Pelosi, Tuna and American Samoa


Paul Pelosi owns a $17 million investment in H. J. Heinz's company, which in turn owns ~75% of Del Monte Corp's stock. Del Monte is the parent company of StarKist. StarKist Tuna owns one of the two packing plants on American Samoa. Combined both plants employ over 60% of the population paying less than $3.75 a hour in wages.

Pelosi's Tuna Surprise


Economists of every political stripe agree that a higher minimum wage will cost some low-skill workers their jobs. But don't believe us; just ask Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The House last week whooped through an increase in the minimum wage to $7.25, by a vote of 315-116. But, lo, included as part of this boon to the working man was a loophole: The new, higher wage floor applied to all of these United States and its territories – save for the Pacific outpost of American Samoa. In the immortal words of Congressman Patrick McHenry (R., N.C.), "There's something fishy going on here."


It turns out that American Samoa has a big fish and tuna canning industry, specifically operations run by StarKist and Chicken of the Sea. Both companies are headquartered in California, and StarKist's parent is located in none other than Ms. Pelosi's own San Francisco district. So faster than you can say "middle class squeeze," Democrats rediscovered the eternal economic truth that a higher minimum wage can cost jobs and granted Samoa its reprieve. They have a good point. In 2004, according to the Department of Labor, Samoan canneries directly employed some 4,800 people, or nearly 40% of the work force. StarKist and Chicken of the Sea would have plenty of other low-wage locations to do their canning. The average hourly wage for the American Samoan canneries in 2004 was about $3.60. In contrast, the average cannery wage in Thailand was 67 cents an hour and in the Philippines 66 cents.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 6:06 a.m. No.6965497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5701 >>5757


Bet there’s a ton of connection especially life insurance companies, it came to me, what if the Chinese government is buying life insurance on the innocent people they are harvesting organs from, now that would be a real money maker. They buy it on the person because they are healthy, and then hasten their demise.

Anonymous ID: 14ea60 July 9, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.6965583   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Definitely I pretty sure I read all your posts, I’d love to work with anons on a map of the history of her, her families corruption, her husbands family corruption and all the people on the government dole related to all of them. It’s surprising with all the obvious corruption revealed on her, she’s not in jail! But soon methinks

>▶Anonymous (You)  07/09/19 (Tue) 08:38:24 14ea60 (8)  No.6965301>>6965322
