Ruskies claim Metal Gear is American plotski!
Ruskies claim Metal Gear is American plotski!
Ruskies exhibit selective amnesia when it comes to WWII. Say, Russian soldiers 'liberated' the great fighting Poles from the Nazis.
USSR (Russia) plotted with Nazis & invaded and occuped eastern Poland in 1939.
USSR (Russia) slaughtered up to 20,000 Poles in the Katyn massacre (1940) in attempt to destroy elements of the population who might lead a revolt against Soviet rule.
Soviet Russian 'liberation' of Poland led to 50 years of Polish subjugation by Soviet Russia.
Soviet Russia moved the Polish borders 100 miles westward and annexed the heart of Poland as part of its 'spoils of war' for ending up on the winning side of WWII.
So what? Russia started the war as essentially a Nazi ally (non-aggression pact). They not only used this alliance as an opportunity to conquer eastern Poland, but Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. They also attacked Finland in the "Winter War" The blood is thick on their hands.
That the Russians ended up on the winning side owes only to Hitler attacking Russia in 1941. Russia would have been happy to ride out the war as a Nazi ally. Russia fought back valiantly, but it was in self-defence. Then they leveraged the opportunity of the fall of Germany to conquer eastern Europe, install communism and rule them as client states.
The cold war was an extension of WWII and existed only because the last remnant of the aggressor dictatorships was left to fester for another 50 years.
Sure the Russians lost 20 million, but how many died in the planned famine in the Ukraine? 7 million? 11 million if you count the rest of the SU? How many died in the purges? How many in the gulags?
If this is the history they teach in the EU, I pity you for the blind fucks you are.