Be back in about 20 mins if no baker steps up ill grab the kitchen
yep good to go fren
>>6965842, >>6966090, >>6966159 President Trump Tweets and info
>>6965814, >>6965900, >>6965815 US MIL Tweets and info
>>6965898 Financefag reports
>>6965830, >>6965870 In this context, EX = Exhibit As in… part of a COURT FILING…
>>6965856, >>6965860, >>6966031, >>6966057 Moar Epstein and friends
>>6965865 Tom Steyer diggs
>>6965910, >>6965915 Moar on Wexner
>>6965893 Federal judge has issued a significant rebuke of a core Mueller claim (sauce)
>>6965840 Federal Judge Puts Last-Minute Block On Trump’s Rule Forcing Drug Companies To Include Prices In TV Ads
>>6965919, >>6966025 Ross Perot, self-made billionaire, renowned patriot and two-time independent candidate for U.S. president, has died after a five-month battle with leukemia.
>>6966023 Pelosi adds her voice to those calling for Acosta’s resignation over earlier Epstein case
>>6966056 PANIC Trying to hijack the narrative.
>>6966098 Flynn news coming?
>>6966089, >>6966128 who is the "cindy lopez' in the logs?
>>6966001, >>6966108 JE is jeff Epstein GM is Gisslaine Maxwell his cohort SK ?/(Stephen King?)
>>6966218 Video RE: Obama era "Fast and Furious" Scandal - Sale of Guns to Mexican Cartel
>>6966242 Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form "Jihad" Against Trump, Not To Assimilate (wow)
>>6966267 Ross Perot, Billionaire and Former Presidential Candidate, Dead at 89
>>6966315 Is Twitter Censoring Ben garrison images?
sorry for delay updating anons
my PC just freaked the fuck out. had to restart everything. seems to be ok now
Location of said airport
do we have any other examples other than that one post?
BAKING in 20
>>6965842, >>6966090, >>6966159 President Trump Tweets and info
>>6965814, >>6965900, >>6965815 US MIL Tweets and info
>>6965898 Financefag reports
>>6965830, >>6965870 In this context, EX = Exhibit As in… part of a COURT FILING…
>>6965856, >>6965860, >>6966031, >>6966057 Moar Epstein and friends
>>6965865 Tom Steyer diggs
>>6965910, >>6965915 Moar on Wexner
>>6965893 Federal judge has issued a significant rebuke of a core Mueller claim (sauce)
>>6965840 Federal Judge Puts Last-Minute Block On Trump’s Rule Forcing Drug Companies To Include Prices In TV Ads
>>6965919, >>6966025 Ross Perot, self-made billionaire, renowned patriot and two-time independent candidate for U.S. president, has died after a five-month battle with leukemia.
>>6966023 Pelosi adds her voice to those calling for Acosta’s resignation over earlier Epstein case
>>6966056 PANIC Trying to hijack the narrative.
>>6966098 Flynn news coming?
>>6966089, >>6966128 who is the "cindy lopez' in the logs?
>>6966001, >>6966108 JE is jeff Epstein GM is Gisslaine Maxwell his cohort SK ?/(Stephen King?)
>>6966218 Video RE: Obama era "Fast and Furious" Scandal - Sale of Guns to Mexican Cartel
>>6966267 Ross Perot, Billionaire and Former Presidential Candidate, Dead at 89
>>6966315 Is Twitter Censoring Ben Garrison Images?
>>6966452 Bill Barr will NOT recuse from current Epstein case