The rcc church broke from the orthodox church.
The orthodox church has known for along time about the cabal and how the Jews united with the ottamns for centuries to persecute orthodox Christians. They were bankers in the 1400 and before and they are bankers now. This red pill is nothing new.
It is about time the rest of the world woke up to the cabal how they use Islam and communism to advance their goals. This cabal with ottaman backing has been burning down churches, crucify Christians tar and feathering leaders for centuries in the east Europe orthodox world while Isis and other terrorists orgs still burn our churches and commit genocide against coptic/orthodox/ Byzantine Catholic Christians.
Trump is the first US pres to visit the holy sechulare church and place hands on the tomb of Jesus and not for no reason, while being the only US pres to receive the orthodox blessing and anointing of oil. The cabal is well talked about and always has been.
You might have taken a red pill but you have a bottle left to swallow.
As I said lurk moar