Anonymous ID: ea9fb9 July 11, 2019, 8:23 p.m. No.7004443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4501

So it seems this is how things will go down: (total timeline TBD)


1) Civilian Indictments – (Already in action) Sex-crime charges that culminate in pedophilia, child-trafficking, and maybe worse… Q says that the first unsealing of the sealed indictments will be a "unifying" moment for the country– what else could unify left/right like learning that they are hurting/killing kids?


2) Non-Civilian Indictments – As many in Congress are exposed and caught up in Pedogate, the Mueller Campaign completely unravels, and is turned against the Deep State. PANIC breaks out across DC. These are the charges that will be tried via Military Tribunal, because they are issued by the military (through the DOJ– per the Military Justice Act of 2016 signed by Obama).


3) Deep State actors push back, challenges military authority to arrest civilians. Demand to be tried by civilian courts/judges. Ends up going to the Supreme Court. (Then apparently another Supreme Court ruling regarding appeals by defendants?)


4) Branch Terminations – Unclear if this means cleaning house (which I thought already happened? But maybe now more thorough?) or if it means eliminating/dissolving entire agencies in the intelligence community, and consolidating down to a number that is more comparable to everything other major world power. (3-5 agencies, instead of 17+)


5) Leaks – With the handlers caught, the puppets and boot-licking shills are left out in the cold, and sing like birds. Rumors swirl as the Hunger Games unfold and everybody eats each other.


6) Acts of Treason/Foreign Acts support articles made public. (Likely the beginning of the tribunals?)


7) The Tribunals – Assuming that these are publicly broadcasted, this is likely where all of the actual declassifying of major documents will happen. It wouldn't make sense for POTUS to declassify documents that are primary evidence in major criminal proceedings. The trial, itself, is where the documents would need to be presented and examined. According to the placeholders, that means Five Eyes, the FISA warrant application, and all of the elements of Horowitz's OIG Report would be made public.


So I wonder where Huber's Report on the Clinton Foundation fits into all of this?