I think the current problem (BO making unilateral decisions) emphasizes a structural problem. What is the organizational model of this operation? In some ways it is top-down, in other ways it is bottom-up. Being both at the same time is a structural problem.
The top-down model is best exemplified by the military. Q often uses military jargon and answers to no one beneath him. One step down in the hierarchy is the BO, who is like a lieutenant. He has total control over the functioning of the board which Q endorses by posting here. But at any time Q could withdraw his support by simply leaving. Thus, BO is subordinate.
But at the same time, anyone in the world is free to post whatever they want, with only the most minimal moderation. The is close to anarchy, meaning:
Absence of any form of political authority.
Political disorder and confusion.
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
By endorsing this board as it is configured, the commander Q has effectively commanded near-anarchy. An unusual command for a leader. Why, is another question.
Anons who use the board cope with the resulting chaos with the baker/notable system in an attempt to reduce chaos and adhere to a cohesive principle.
This balance between order and chaos has persisted for more than 1.5 years. Anons have adapted to this system, finding it adequate despite flaws.
BO uses his authority to change the established baker/notable system.
Case closed, unless Q intervenes further. This really Q's show.
Anons can:
Complain, hoping that BO will listen.
Start another similar board hoping that Q effectively dismisses BO by switching boards.
Choose a different way of balancing order and chaos.
Choice 5 might involve using a different or modified software platform. After all, there's nothing really special about 8chan other than that Q is here and that Q believes that the servers are safe.