Anonymous ID: c7cf25 July 12, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.7010870   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Typical tactic of DS. Attack the victims, twist them into liars, blame shift etc.

This is how the Courts through Family Court whores have managed to thrive. CPS/DCFS etc is one more arm of the DS. It's always been about destroying the children.

Why did BHO fund "Fatherhood Initiative Act?" How much money, and fake organizations profited from painting the false narrative that "Women lie, brainwash children to make FALSE allegation of abuse" only to turn around give custody to the abuser, and eliminate the protective parent from the equation?

Research Richard Gardner, fake Dr. used as an "Expert" in custody cases to make Pedophilia normal by use of "Parental Alienation Syndrome."


Read his quotes. [RBG] narrative, family courts across the world, CPS/DCFS PUSH this AGENDA.


"Richard A. Gardner, M.D., is the creator of the creator and main proponent for Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) theory. Prior to his suicide, Gardner was an unpaid part-time clinical professor of child psychiatry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University . He made his money mainly as a forensic expert.


PAS was developed by Dr Richard Gardner in 1985 based on his personal observations and work as an expert witness, often on behalf of fathers accused of molesting their children. Gardner asserted that PAS is very common and he saw manifestations of this syndrome in over 90% of the custody conflicts he evaluated–even when abuse allegations are not raised (Gardner, 1987, p. 67).1 Gardner (September 6, 1993) claimed that PAS is "a disorder of children, arising almost exclusively in child-custody disputes, in which one parent (usually the mother) programs the child to hate the other parent (usually the father)."2"


"Pedophilia has been considered the norm by the vast majority of individuals in the history of the world."


"It is because our society overreacts to it [pedophilia] that children suffer."


Pedophilia "is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people."


Gardner suggests that children want to have sex with adults and may seduce them

If the sexual relationship is discovered, " the child is likely to fabricate so that the adult will be blamed for the initiation ."


Sex abuse is not necessarily traumatic; the determinant as to whether sexual molestation will be traumatic to the child, is the social attitude toward these encounters.


Keep the child connected to the abuser

Special care should be taken not alienate the child from the molesting parent. The removal of a pedophilic parent from the home "should only be seriously considered after all attempts at treatment of the pedophilia and rapprochement with the family have proven futile."