what a mind virus is.
self replicating information, meme or media content people share and which changes behavior.
Memes are self-replicating, behavior modifying information packages. They replicate on social networks fissioning as they are shared at different rates
see how dependent memes are on the cultural medium in which they propagate – the mind space of users –some memes cross all cultural borders, leaping even linguistic barriers – always because they are universal in some respect. Sometimes the same meme will appear in different places on a network at the same time despite there being no contact between the geographically separated individuals who created identical meme.
Memes that can cross ideological divide, which have that universal quality, those are the MOABS of IW.
Each of those MOAB represents a unique creative act. That creative act being inherently unpredictable, as all creative acts, however large or small are, according to physicist David Deutsch.
Memes are hunter killer torpedoes weaving through the sea of low-quality information in mind space to destroy low quality ideas implanted often in youth or infancy by legacy media social subversion programming.
Eventually enough meme loads of low error information organize in the brain and lo, it’s a “road to Damascus moment” for the individual, who awakens, newly alive to the possibility legacy media lied to them. and a hop away from realizing the mockingbirds betrayed us all.
The better quality of information circulating among us the better people we are. Funny how that works.
The objective of circulating true (low error) information is to improve individual understanding enough so a person can begin to help themselves and others.
Information is a substance that brains run on and if we consume large quantities of low quality information or capacity to understand the world will be limited.
That low quality information environment has been fostered by the satanist controlled networks of media producers.
we are controlled, guided and limited by the quality of our information inputs. If we consume low error, high quality information we improve our ability to understand the universe, our species and the lyrics to Ultimate Spinach songs.