Anonymous ID: f92960 July 12, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.7017839 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>7878 >>7896 >>7899 >>7903 Reminder Board inactive unless Q states otherwise Return to /qresearch/ for now /qrb/
Anonymous ID: f92960 July 12, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.7017948 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>7990 >>7017899 >>7017903 8bit & CM helped setup the board. If Q asks CM to help move, 8bit has a place ready to go.
Anonymous ID: f92960 July 12, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.7018162 🗄️.is 🔗kun