Q did no such thing
I'm proud of you anon
yes I believe Q does NOT control this board, ritard. That's why he made his own. where's your sauce or just asserting bullshit like you know anything
Is that why all the stress tests failed? Using wearethene.ws for normies would work to disseminate information from the research board. Lighten the load. not enought to carry the load you hawking though.
your not talking to the 'limited' readers of you 'fine' publication. We have memories and a fully functioning questioning faculty.
The usual shills aren't posting their usual shit. They must be tasked posting other things.
Your birth defect was being born without a bullshit meter, poor wretch.
Shills going "off-book" (MCO), this won't be pretty
hey fellow TI, the program is designed to isolate you. They smother hope. I hope you get some relief, take multivitamins, they actually dampen symptoms
i know it's hard , especially when they give you the good cop treatment. They are human beings talking into a microphone. They use religion and your belief system against you. They have no supernatural powers and any theater you experience is just that. oh yea, magnesium, calcium and zinc!
can't they afford more assholes?
We're all smarter than you.
You are engaged in propaganda.
Why don't you investigate big banks, big pharma or big ag. Why are these subjects taboo in MSM?
What's a tabbed browser?