Anonymous ID: e0e06e July 12, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.7019051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9064

if potus/q/whitehats were to drop the hammer now….


it would be to fix the USA, fix it later, the world….


doesn't it scare you, your hero's plays a political game?


if it is politics….


peace & security…. >>Then



Agenda 21




Fake Armageddon



If we can accept the corruption ongoing, we are part of the corrupt


the time is short to act, or our free and sovereign country will be lost


16 year plan, right in front of you


like evil, you have to invite it in and give it power


isn't that what we have done here


movies and popcorn and such




think for yourselves

Anonymous ID: e0e06e July 12, 2019, 4:23 p.m. No.7019123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9147 >>9166

Grab your seat, grab your popcorn, hope you have power.

Watch the movie, watch the show, it's about to blow.

Follow Q, bakers, Anons, shills dig and bake some more.

Never mind that you already know,

we are totally corrupt.


Some tits, ass, and pussy rewards for the Anons. The shills provide some gay, dick pics, or Jew shit to try and make you look away. Stick to your seat, and enjoy the show.


More popcorn please.


But whatever you do, don't you dare, exercise your power. Everyday that the people don't peacefully assemble, in large scale numbers, is another day closer to the people having no say at all.


We fund and enlarge our military, police, and prison system without regard for how it can be used against us.


A system that suppressed you for so long, is slow to move to transparency, that pays these scum for life, is to be rewarded with you following a stand down order?


Their is only one solution, we the people, must come together and demand our country back. If violence occurs, it will be because those in power (and their minions) do not recognize the people as the sole beneficiary of our constitution.


The same legal system that undermined your liberties the first time, should not be rewarded with a second bite at the apple.


It needs to be completely rebuilt, to be remanded back to it's pre usurpation of 1871 (Admiralty Law), and returned to Blacks law.


If you don't understand what I am talking about, you are part of the problem.


America is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.

What is the difference? In a Constitutional Republic, the rights of

the minority are set aside and protected. In a democracy, the majority overrule the right of minorities (mob rule).


You can dance and celebrate the fall of a few, but make no mistake, you will be subjugated to the fall of our Republic and all it's consequences.


The more you know…

Learn to think for yourself…..


You are condoning the destruction of you, your family, friends,

neighborhood, city, state, and country.


Divided is what you are, and divided is what you will continue to be, if their is no amount of strife worthy, to bring unity.


The evil that you know, is the evil you let grow, for without you, evil has no energy.


Whether for God or country, we must not let it be.


Remember, America is the last truly free country!


If you can keep it!

Anonymous ID: e0e06e July 12, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.7019218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9241


or peaceful assembly

of true lovers of freedom


but you have your goals and I mine

good luck, not looking a fool

when this all bites you in the ass

do you have any thoughts for yourself?

Anonymous ID: e0e06e July 12, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.7019271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9291


that's exactly how I got to this point

I was pure Q thru and thru

until I took my own 40,000 foot view

I would love Q and you to be true

I will be first to admit the second I know I am wrong

Anonymous ID: e0e06e July 12, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.7019332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347


funny you mention faith

that's partly how I deduced my thoughts

the similarity of Faith God/Q


both ask you to accept no responsibility for the total outcome

not just personal freedom, but freedom for all


again happy for you to be right and I wrong