Free Beer Next Week. Q
Nice internet post. Meanwhile, they are busy tweeting from home.
Walter D. Kennedy is a boomer. Or didnt you go that far in Internet Research U.?
Yeah, the Trumps had a major-league exorcism done in every room of the White House.
Im sure shes loud and obnoxious enough to drown out the entire board.
They could never go straight with that crook around.
74% of Californians are against sanctuary cities. That is a minimal poll number, I believe.
Name one.
Best when she doesnt talk.
Free Beer Next Week. Q
The FBI is unconstitutional and needs to be eliminated. Expand your thinking.
These statist sanctuary cities have more cops than anybody, they are complete police states and can shut down an antifa blm thing in 5 mins, I saw them do it in Berkeley last year. The rally "didnt happen." Never does when cops outnumber protestors 3-1.