No coincidences.
My other research keeps putting me in that direction.
I can't figure out how the sacrifices fit in though.
But the Egyptians seem to have known. The info gets passed on through Symbology and allegory. The people of Solomon's Temple knew. The Knights Templar from there. They keep this knowledge/process secret. Templars end up in Switzerland. They modernize and increase cover/secrecy through subgroups (Masons, etc). Loose connection to the sacrifices through O.T.O.. They seem to need gold.
what I can't figure out is:
If what they know is true, how does it work?
If it's not true, how would it continue this long?
Maybe the sacrifices aren't about the killing, but the blood?
What role the sun/obelisks/Pyramids/temples play?
This video is helping connect a lot of it though, if you're interested. Takes a few minutes to get relevant.
https:// youtu.be/6wFM1bPJtiE