The output is what matters, not the person, not the personality. That's why all of us worked hard, individually and together to make it in sync. No complaining, no ruffled feathers, no egosim. Output. All in sync. It became a system that worked because it was all the same. It was an enormous amount of work for each one of us. No complaints. When an error is found, no complaints, no egosim, just thank you and corrected immediately.
It's only the output that matters. Why?
Because the world is at stake.
Maybe I wasn't gentle with you this time the way you needed. I'm sorry. I was gentle and very polite in the beginning when I mentioned the discrepancy in the time zones and your graphic comp the first time.
Please accept my humble anon apology for not being gentle this time & sperging out. After the first two times I brought it up, I would imagine it would be back in EST by now - I was wrong, you didn't understand the importance of it, and kept going in a different timezone that is out of sync with everything else. So you put in time & effort, you want that acknowledged and to be thanked and recognized for it (thank you again, one anon volunteer to another) and don't want to have to re-do it. That's understandable.
I can only restate that an enormous amount of work was done by multiple people to make everything in one timezone, and all the other graphic comps of Q's posts are in EST. We are left with two alternatives here
>all other archives/records must change to GMT
>new graphics re-done to use EST to harmonize with all other archives/records
The former would involve at least 6 different people each having to change hundreds and hundreds of lines to accommodate a new format. The latter is more do-able and makes more sense. Not fun, but look at it realistically...