Anonymous ID: 17c8dc July 14, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.7040147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0279 >>0326 >>0613 >>0747

U.S. officials: ICE raids on 2,000 undocumented immigrants underway



July 14 (UPI) — Planned raids targeting about 2,000 undocumented immigrants with court orders for removal began this weekend in nine, according to a U.S. official.


The raids are scheduled for Atlanta Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami New York and San Francisco, a senior immigration official told CNN.


New Orleans was also set to be included among the cities where raids are taking place, but the city tweeted on Thursday that immigration enforcement would be temporarily suspended through the weekend in areas affected by Tropical Storm Barry.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Matthew Bourke told CNN that the agency won’t comment on operational details of the raids, but added it is focusing primarily on immigrants it considers dangerous.


“ICE prioritizes the arrest and removal of unlawfully present aliens who pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security,” he said.


Acting ICE Director Matt Ablence offered a similar statement on Fox News’ Fox and Friends, saying that the agency is “merely executing those lawfully issued judge’s orders.”


“At this point, we have no choice but to go out and execute those lawfully issued orders from an immigration judge,” he said.


Before being deported, those rounded up might end up in government and privately run detention centers.


Administration officials have considered placing them in hotel rooms because of limited space in ICE detention centers, ABC News reported. Officials with Marriott, the world’s largest hotel chain said they would not allow ICE to use the company’s properties as detention centers.


President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday that Vice President Mike Pence’s tour of two federal detention centers on Friday proved “how well run and clean the children’s detention centers are.”


“The adult single men areas were clean but crowded — also loaded up with a big percentage of criminals … Sorry, can’t let them in our country,” Trump wrote. “If too crowded, tell them not to come to USA and tell Dems to fix the loopholes. Problem Solved!”


While Pence toured the facilities on Friday a group of men detained behind a chain link fence shouted “no shower, no shower!” and reporters said the facility smelled “horrendous,” NBC News reported.


Most of the approximately 800 detainees at the 1,000-capacity Donna, Texas, facility Pence visited were lying on mats on the floor.


Pence said afterward that he witnessed evidence of a “system that was overwhelmed.”


He added, however, that descriptions of poor and inhumane treatment by Customs and Border Protection officials were “slanderous,” adding he was impressed by the “compassionate work” of CBP workers at the facility.

Anonymous ID: 17c8dc July 14, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.7040308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0613 >>0747

Netanyahu: IDF the only army ready to fight Iran


Speaking to members of the National Security College at the Prime Minister's Residence, Netanyahu slammed the 2015 nuclear deal, and said that only he was against it.


Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that the only army ready to combat Iran is the IDF.


Speaking to members of the National Security College at the Prime Minister's Office, Netanyahu slammed the 2015 nuclear deal, and said that only he was against it at the time.

"The only thing that the terrible nuclear agreement gave is a strong and sweeping rapprochement with major Arab countries," Netanyahu said. "Iran says simply: 'We will destroy you and destroy you first by nuclear weapons.'"


"I had to fight alone to block the nuclear agreement," Netanyahu lamented. "I had to fight against all the powers and against the president of the United States - I went to the American Congress.


"I thought that this agreement would not only pave the way for a nuclear arsenal, but would also give them hundreds of billions of dollars that they would not invest in Iran, but would invest in their empire. Today you can judge whether we were right or not. So first of all, you have to stop it.


"At the moment, the only army in the world to fight Iran - this is the Israeli army."


Netanyahu's comments come as Iran says it is open for talks with the United States as long as it lifts its punishing sanctions on the country.


Washington accused Iran of extortion after it inched past the deal's limit on enrichment levels last week, while still offering to hold talks with Tehran.


Two sources familiar with the matter said on Sunday that the United States has granted a visa to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to attend a U.N. meeting in New York this week, saying Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had approved the decision.

Anonymous ID: 17c8dc July 14, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.7040354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0613 >>0747

Salvini Furious After Paris Gives Medal and Cash to Migrant Ship Captain


Italian deputy prime minister and minister of the interior Matteo Salvini has expressed anger after the city of Paris granted a medal and 100,000 euros in cash to migrant transport ship captain Carola Rackete and the Sea-Watch NGO.


Ms Rackete, who was arrested earlier this month after forcing her ship into Italian territorial waters and ramming a patrol vessel to land migrants on the island of Lampedusa, was honoured by the city of Paris and given honorary citizenship by the city’s local government, Il Giornale reports.


The council released a statement saying, “It is a choice to highlight the important action of humanitarian organizations to help migrants.”


Also honoured was Rackete’s fellow Sea-Watch captain and fellow German national Pia Klemp, who potentially faces 20 years in an Italian prison on charges of aiding illegal migration.


The Paris government also donated 100,000 euros to Sea-Watch to help fund further missions off the coast of Libya in the so-called search-and-rescue (SAR) zone.


Migrant 'Rescue' Ship Rams Italian Border Police Boat


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 30, 2019


Several French MPs also signed a document praising the two captains, stating, “The arrest of these two women and the judicial proceedings against them have raised outrage across borders. Neither they nor their crews, nor the NGOs that own the boats may be subject to sanctions for humanitarian actions.”


Deputy Prime Minister Salvini reacted to the Paris government’s move with fury, saying, “The municipality of Paris awards Carola Rackete, prosecuted in Italy, with a medal. This is the one driving a boat that broke the law and crushed a [Guardia di Finanza] patrol boat against the dock of Lampedusa.”


“The municipality of Paris evidently has nothing better to do than reward these subjects,” he added.


Salvini went on to slam the Italian courts, saying that Italy had become “a strange country that investigates ministers and frees young ladies who attack [Guardia di Finanza’s] patrol boats.”


Rackete has hit back against Salvini, filing a lawsuit this week against the populist leader for defamation and arguing that the judiciary should remove Salvini’s social media accounts, claiming the minister uses them to “spread hate messages.”


A Parigi centinaia di immigrati irregolari hanno occupato il Pantheon, luogo dedicato alle persone che hanno fatto la storia francese, chiedendo alloggi e permessi di soggiorno.

Fra Carola e i clandestini, in Francia non sono messi bene…


— Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) July 13, 2019

Anonymous ID: 17c8dc July 14, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.7040372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0482 >>0613 >>0747

New Syphilis Cases Now Outnumber HIV Across Europe


A new report from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has shown a dramatic increase in new cases of syphilis across Europe, outnumbering new cases of HIV.


The new ECDC report looked at the cases of syphilis reported across 30 countries between 2007 and 2017 and found the number of new cases had dramatically increased by 70 per cent since 2010 to a record 33,189, Sächsische Zeitung reports.


The Stockholm-based group noted that new cases of the sexually transmitted disease are now more common than HIV, stating that there were 25,353 new cases of HIV in 2017, down from more than 31,000 in 2016.


Head of the ECDC program for HIV and venereal diseases, Andrew Amato-Gauci, commented on the new figures saying, “The growth in the number of syphilis infections we see in Europe and other countries around the world is the result of several factors such as sex without a condom and with multiple sexual partners, combined with less fear of getting HIV.”


In several countries, including Britain, Germany, Iceland, and Ireland, the number of syphilis cases has more than doubled, with only two countries, Romania and Estonia, reporting a decline in new cases.


Men between the ages of 25 and 34 are the most prone to become infected with the disease, with the study citing homosexual men as being at particular risk.


The organisation Deutsche Aidshilfe attributes the increase in syphilis cases to a number of factors, including a decline in condom use due to improvements in HIV treatments along with symptoms of the disease sometimes taking weeks to appear, or not appearing at all.


Syphilis is not the only STD to see an increase in Europe. Last year, the Swedish Public Health Authority revealed that the country had seen a record-breaking rise in cases of gonorrhoea in 2017, reversing a trend that almost eliminated the disease.


Other diseases long thought either eradicated or completely foreign to Europe, have also seen increases in cases, largely due to the migrant crisis.

Anonymous ID: 17c8dc July 14, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.7040523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0613 >>0747

PG&E Knew Its Powerlines Could Spark Fires And Did Nothing. Ditto On Their Wireless Smart Meters.


Why All Utility Customers Should Be Concerned About Smart Meter Fires.


Many people are aware that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is being held responsible for California’s widespread devastating and deadly wildfires. A recent article reports that documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the company knew for years about fire risks and did nothing to prevent them.


The failure last year of a century-old transmission line that sparked a wildfire, killed 85 people and destroyed the town of Paradise wasn’t an aberration, the documents show. A year earlier, PG&E executives conceded to a state lawyer that the company needed to process many projects, all at once, to prevent system failures — a problem they said could be likened to a “pig in the python.”


Many still may not be aware that PG&E customers and their insurance companies have also been filing lawsuits against the company because of their wireless Smart Meters catching fire and/or exploding.