Anonymous ID: 313180 July 14, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.7038959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8995


I'm monitoring both qresearch and the bunker. Really impressed with the momentum in the bunker and the research that is being shared there and by a variety of subject-matter experts that we've come to respect anonymously (planefags, archival anons, diggers, memers, bakers, etc, etc, etc). I despise groupthink - so I'm just watching it all with an open mind while analyzing.


Notables are vital fodder for me as I workfag and IRL and balance being here as much as I can. So with that in mind, I'm not trying to defend BO or BV. But, I can't help but wonder what all has gone on and is going on behind the scenes that might have warranted such a change? Or is it prep for the biggest happenings to come as we are clearly closer to the precipice than ever before?


Either way, I am Anon. I uphold a torch for Patriots United. Where we go one we go all. And I'm looking just like you in the trenches around me to determine if the Anons next to me, in front of me, and all around - are of the same spirit.


This movement cannot be stopped. Cabal can do nothing to make us go back to sleep. We are determined and with resolve to take back our country and world from those who would live from a source of evil power.