how can there be bread shitting when there are no bakers and no shills and no more problems?
the new system is perfect
how can there be bread shitting when there are no bakers and no shills and no more problems?
the new system is perfect
>>7038467 lb
but seriously, why should anons free from the heel of shill bakers give a fuck about their post count anymore?
wasn't the new notables regime there to make room for all to flourish?
being OVER TARGET is so AWESOME you can NEVER BE WRONG because as long as there are people criticizing you YOU KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT
it's the perfect circle of perfection
could be.
but also have you noticed how easily teens are brainwashed?
so much of them buy the "12 years left" crap
well duh
looks like it
maybe if you type it out in notes or some other app
and then copypasta you might get around it
his fucking entire career is your sauce
keepin qresearch alive
a liddle longer still
> So what?
yeah let's put HRC in charge of the presidency as well
what's the difference anyway
pretty damn funny/glorious