Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.7038521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8553 >>8973 >>9037 >>9214 >>9224

Nunes Expects Mueller’s Hearing to be Delayed Further, ‘He May Not Show Up’


Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Sunday said Mueller’s hearing may be further delayed and cast doubt on whether Mueller would even show up.


Mueller’s testimony to the House Intelligence and House Judiciary Committees was already postponed from July 17 to July 24 after several weeks of negotiations and Nunes said Mueller may not even show up.


“I think Mueller would be crazy to testify — I don’t think it’s wise for him to testify but saying that, I want him to testify,” Nunes said during a Sunday appearance on Fox & Friends.


“You already saw this week it got postponed — it was supposed to be Wednesday and now it’s kicked to a week from Wednesday. My guess is it could slip again or not happen at all — we’ll see and we’ll be prepared,” he said.


Devin Nunes said in a Thursday podcast interview with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer that he plans on grilling Mueller about Weissmann’s shady briefing with AP reporters.


Nunes told Bill Hemmer that he doesn’t want to reveal everything, but he said that he and his fellow GOP lawmakers have a strategy in place to make sure they get as many answers from Mueller as possible — that’s if Mueller shows up to Capitol Hill on July 24.


Nunes said the Russia investigation was never about Russia, rather it was an “obstruction of justice trap” and that there was never any evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.


“These are all a bunch of dirty cops and I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you – – some of them better go to jail or we’re going to go down in a spiral in this country because you will not have a Republican that will trust the FBI or the Department of Justice for generations to come,” Nunes said to Bill Hemmer on Thursday.


If Mueller doesn’t testify, the damage will be done when his “pit bull” Andrew Weissmann testifies in executive session with unlimited questioning.


“[Mueller’s} testimony is going to be basically worthless,” former US Attorney Joe diGenova warned last month. “The real damage is going to be done the next day when they have testimony from Weissmann and his aides which will be done in executive session with unlimited questioning. That’s when the damage to the president is going to be done,” he said.


DiGenova called Mueller a “figurehead” and asserted that this has always been the Weissmann investigation and it will be “the Weissmann testimony,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.7038540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8559 >>9037 >>9224

Paris Violence Worst In Months As Yellow Vests Clash With Police On Bastille Day


French riot police squared off once again with protesters after the Paris Bastille Day military parade, according to AFP.


Protesters broke into anti-government chants, knocking down security barriers and setting fire to garbage cans, resulting in the deployment of tear gas and other crowd control measures. Outside of AFP and Russia's RT / Ruptly, the MSM has largely ignored these protests.


Of note, many of the protesters were not wearing actual yellow vests, as anyone doing so was blocked from entering the parade area. Instead, they carried yellow balloons.


The clashes disrupted the national celebration of the 1789 storming of the Bastille fortress in Paris during the French Revolution - for which France holds an annual military parade (imagine if Donald Trump did the same!). Macron was joined by several other EU leaders, including Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.



Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.7038554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8704 >>9037 >>9224

Trump ruined Iran nuclear deal ‘to spite Obama’ – former UK envoy in new leak


Trump completely lacked an exit strategy when he pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and made the decision out of pure animosity towards his predecessor, the ex-UK ambassador to the US said, according to a new embarrassing leak.


Desperate to save the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), then-UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson flew to the US in May 2018 to persuade President Donald Trump to abide by the accord. Despite intense negotiations at the White House with Trump's closest aides that lasted for 26 hours, Johnson returned empty-handed, simply because Trump wanted to spite Barack Obama for negotiating the agreement, the UK’s former ambassador to the US, Sir Kim Darroch, told 10 Downing Street, according to a leaked diplomatic cable published by the Mail on Sunday.


The Administration is set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism, seemingly for ideological and personality reasons – it was Obama’s deal.


The cable sent out on May 8 last year also claimed that the White House had lacked any strategy on how to handle the withdrawal and suggested that there were strong disagreements among Trump’s closest advisers.


They can’t articulate any 'day-after' strategy; and contacts with State Department this morning suggest no sort of plan for reaching out to partners and allies, whether in Europe or the region.


In another cable sent out the same day, Sir Darroch blamed Trump for following the line of National Security Advisor John Bolton, who promulgated withdrawal from the deal and the re-imposition of sanctions.


The British tabloid went on to release the second batch of Sir Darroch's wires despite the warning by the Metropolitan Police not to publish the government leaks. The initial publication of cables last week caused a diplomatic scandal between Washington and the UK. It resulted in Sir Darroch's resignation on Wednesday, after Trump unleashed a salvo of attacks against the diplomat, who described his administration as “dysfunctional” and “inept.” The Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism Command is now investigating the source of the leak.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.7038576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8659 >>9029

Yale prof: 'Every single person I have…asked' has said 'life was better under the Soviets'


A Yale University professor claimed that all of the people she surveyed in Eastern Europe and Central Asia insisted that “life was better under the Soviets."

Emily Jane O'Dell also spoke of another Ivy League professor, who apparently claimed that coming to the U.S. was the “greatest mistake of her life” and that “at least [they] were human” in post-Soviet nations.

O'Dell has previously asked whether “white men [should] be required by law to attend re-education centers to help prevent mass shootings."


A Yale University professor claimed on Twitter that all of the people she surveyed in Eastern Europe and Central Asia insisted that “life was better under the Soviets."


Emily Jane O’Dell is a Yale Law School professor and specializes in Islamic law and civilization.

"Coming to America was the greatest mistake of her life"


“Every single person I have I [sic] asked in Central Asia (and Eastern Europe) over the past decade and a half has said life was better under the Soviets – 100 percent,” O’Dell tweeted on Tuesday.


O’Dell also detailed that she spoke with an unnamed “Ivy League professor who said coming to America was the greatest mistake of her life & she will be returning soon to her post-Soviet nation [because] neoliberal late capitalism is devoid of all humanity.”


This unnamed professor also apparently said “at least we were human,” suggesting that capitalists are not human.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.7038612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8897 >>8971 >>9037 >>9224

Trump accused of racism after telling progressive congresswomen to 'go back' where 'they came'


'These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough'


President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted a pointed challenge to progressive congresswomen who constantly criticize the United States: leave America.


The president, whose comments were criticized by Republicans and Democrats both, said:


So interesting to see "Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.


Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.7038628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8709 >>8768 >>9037 >>9224

Baltimore Mayor: ‘We’re Not Going to Cooperate’ in ICE Raids


Baltimore’s mayor announced Friday that his city would not be the one to cooperate in a series of targeted immigration enforcement raids taking place on Sunday.


“We’re not going to cooperate,” said Democrat Baltimore Mayor Jack Young, who spoke Friday at a protest rally outside City Hall, according to a report from WJZ.


Young’s city is one of ten cities in the U.S. that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) targeted for deportation raids that would expel anyone in the U.S. not in the country legally.


“I said that we were not going to engage with ICE in the deportation or apprehension of any immigrants in the City of Baltimore.” Mayor Young added.


President Donald Trump confirmed Friday that the raids would take place Sunday, and would mostly be focused on criminals with “final deportation orders.” The raids are expected to last several days in ten different cities— including Atlanta, Denver, Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Houston, Miami, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.


Other Democrat mayors, including Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, have also vowed not to cooperate with federal immigration officers conducting the raids.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.7038640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8924 >>9037 >>9224

Tom Arnold: ‘This Is Exactly How It Started, Germany 1930’s, Families Rounded Up’


Actor Tom Arnold compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany on Saturday in an attempt to slam the Trump administration’s use of migrant shelters on the southern border, claiming that this is “exactly how it started [in] Germany.”


“I’m Jewish. My uncle wrote The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler & grandfather was a medic in the 42nd Rainbow Division that liberated Dachau. This is exactly how it started Germany 1930’s Families rounded up, separated & put in cages,” Tom Arnold said in response to a Twitter user who superimposed a Nazi helmet on Vice President Mike Pence’s head and a Nazi flag behind him in a deep fake video clip.


I’m Jewish. My uncle wrote “The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler” & grandfather was a medic in the 42nd Rainbow Division that liberated Dachau. This is exactly how it started Germany 1930’s Families rounded up, separated & put in cages.


— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) July 13, 2019


“For those people who want to blame Mike Pence for lying about the conditions in the immigrant concentration camps, just remember; he was only ‘following orders,'” the user wrote, in a tweet with the Pence CNN video attached.


For those people who want to blame Mike Pence for lying about the conditions in the immigrant concentration camps, just remember; he was only 'following orders'.#CloseTheCamps


— Paul Lee Ticks (@PaulLeeTicks) July 13, 2019


The vice president visited migrant shelters in the McAllen, Texas, area on Friday and sat down for an interview with CNN senior White House correspondent Pamela Brown, blasting individuals who routinely insult Customs and Border Protection agents and frequently compare migrant shelters to concentration camps.


“I hope first and foremost that we put to the lie this slander against Customs and Border Protection. People saying that families and children are being held in concentration camps is an outrage,” Pence said. “The Nazis killed people. Our Customs and Border Protection, as you heard today, are saving lives every day.”


Anderson Cooper 360 aired the interview but split the screen, showing a sizable group of male migrants in an overcrowded room. Pence called the network out on Twitter, informing followers that he also visited women and children who reportedly told said they were “being treated well.”


He wrote:


CNN is so dishonest. Today we took reporters to a detention facility on the border for families and children and all told us they were being treated well. The crisis at our southern border is not a “manufactured crisis”, it is real and is overwhelming our system. To show this, we also visited an overcrowded facility for adult men, many of whom have been arrested multiple times. These men were in a temporary holding area because Democrats in Congress have refused to fund additional bed space. Rather than broadcast the full story, showing the compassionate care the American people are providing to vulnerable families, tonight CNN only played video of men in the temporary facility and didn’t play any footage of the family facility at all…ignoring the excellent care being provided to families and children. Our great @CBP agents deserve better and the American people deserve the whole story from CNN!

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.7038651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973 >>9037 >>9214 >>9224

Think tank founder criticized for suggesting Britain ‘bribe or threaten the Irish’ over backstop


A British think tank founder sparked a furious backlash for proposing the UK should simply “bribe or threaten” Ireland to drop its opposition to the border backstop, in order to secure a Brexit deal.


While appearing on BBC’s Politics Live to discuss Brexit and the contentious Northern Irish border backstop, Alan Mendoza proposed a solution that echoes previous tactics historically favored by Britain when faced with an Irish opposition.


“One of the best things I've seen recently is the idea that you don't go to Brussels but you go instead to Dublin, and you literally do a deal with the Irish, whether you bribe them or threaten them, one way or the other, to get them in a position where they're the ones who drop the opposition to the backstop and that enables the Europeans to do so,” said Mendoza.


“I think the amazing thing about this is, three years in, we are still no closer to actually understanding the final possibilities than we were three years ago,” he added.


Mendoza, who has a PhD in History, was heavily criticized on social media for his “astounding” ignorance regarding the historical significance of the Northern Irish border, with the Twitterati saying it was a prime example of the short memory and delusions of British colonialism. Many were simply openly baffled by the suggestions.


Irish Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin described Mendoza’s comments as a “shocking and ignorant fantasy,” adding such a proposal is “appallingly ignorant of the process we have been undertaking for the last three years” throughout the Brexit negotiations.


Britain and Ireland have a tense and checkered past which dates back centuries. The 1998 Good Friday Agreement brought 30 years of Northern Ireland conflict to a close, a key part of which was the freedom to move between there and the Republic of Ireland without border checks, effectively removing a hard border.


The backstop was devised as part of the Brexit deal reached between the EU and Britain that no matter the outcome of Brexit, there will be no physical border between the Republic and Northern Ireland. Although May’s government agreed to it, many MPs (including in the Conservative Party) oppose the idea of a backstop, causing May’s Brexit bill to repeatedly fail to pass parliament.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.7038665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973 >>9037 >>9214 >>9224

Night of the Long Knives: Boris May Purge Remainers from Cabinet


Reports suggest that Tory leadership favourite Boris Johnson may purge Remainers opposed to delivering Brexit, deal or no deal, from his Cabinet.


The former Foreign Secretary and two-time Mayor of London is concerned that staunch anti-Brexiteers such as Amber Rudd, who now say they would serve under a Prime Minister Johnson, are only doing so in hopes they will be able to dissuade him from leaving the EU on No Deal terms if the bloc will not agree to a less onerous withdrawal agreement than the one offered to Theresa May.


“[Johnson] knows his top priority is to deliver Brexit by October 31st — or the wheels will come off the bus,” a soource described as a “senior ally” told The Sun.


“Over the next few days he needs to pick ministers who are united in their desire to get us over the line come what may. Fail and we’re stuck in the road — and Boris is finished.”


Johnson is said to be considering sacking Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip ‘Remainer Phil’ Hammond, who is now openly lobbying against No Deal, as well as business secretary Greg Clark, justice secretary David Gauke, and — perhaps unsupringly — foreign aid secretary Rory Stewart.


These reports come as committed Brexiteers within the party are expressing concerns about Remain voters who now claim they back Brexit being rumoured to be in line for senior Cabinet jobs.


“There needs to a Praetorian Guard – a ring of steel – around Boris so he doesn’t fold when faced with Whitehall,” a source told The Sun.

“People are worried. There’s all this talk of Sajid [Javid] being made Chancellor, Liz [Truss] going into business. They’re born again Brexiteers – remember they both voted Remain,” they warned.


“Boris needs to remember who’s got him here in the first place.”


The Brexiteers are said to want key positions for European Research Group (ERG) mainstays such as Steve Baker, the former Brexit minister — but Johnson’s difficulty is that a majority of Tory MPs voted Remain, the party already runs a minority administration, and if a significant number of Tory Remainers began voting with anti-Brexit opposition parties on a regular basis his premiership could become untenable.


Farage Vows to ‘Replace the British Conservative Party’ If Boris Betrays Brexit


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has vowed his Brexit Party will “replace the British Conservative Party” if Boris Johnson betrays Brexit.


Speaking to Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow on his SiriusXM Patriot radio show, Mr Farage traced much of Britain’s current problems to the fact that many Brexit campaigners took Theresa May — a Remain voter — at her word when she took over from David Cameron and promised the Leave vote would be respected, even if it meant leaving the European Union without a bilateral agreement, or “deal”.


As it turned out, Mrs May broke her promise — issued at least 108 times from the Prime Minister’s despatch box in the House of Commons — to take Britain out of the bloc on March 29th 2019, and has delayed Brexit twice, because she could not get a “deal” denounced as a “surrender document” through Parliament and would not, after all, countenance leaving the bloc without one.


Farage warned that the Brexit Party will not make the same mistake if Johnson becomes Prime Minister, as is expected, and will remain active to ensure Brexit voters have someone to turn to if the Tory MP betrays them.


“We know we can’t trust the Conservatives, because they’re not really conservative… we will not be going home, we will not be going away — but there are circumstances in which some form of electoral pact, some form of accommodation, could be possible,” he suggested.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.7038700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973 >>9214

Is The Trump Justice Department Trying to Send Barack Obama a Message? Wired Up Obama Friend Has Controversial Photo On His Facebook Page


Did the Trump Justice Department have Chicago Zoning Chairman Danny Solis wear a wire on his friend Barack Obama ? Was he wearing a wire in this very photo ? Did the FBI handler tell Danny Solis to take the day off on this one because he was wearing a wire for the FBI by this date? Here's what the FBI had on Danny Solis before he agreed to wear a wire on Chicago's power structure. No word yet on this story from "quiet" Luis Gutierrez of early retirement fame.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.7038730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8791 >>8795 >>8865 >>9037 >>9224

THE INSANITY IS REAL FOLKS! NYT: Feds Must Force Middle-Class Americans To Sacrifice Suburbs for Immigrant Housing!


The New York Times has officially gone off the deep-end. And these days, that’s saying something.


On Sunday, the 167-year-old organization announced through its editorial board that it supports the federal government sacrificing the value of millions of suburban houses by injecting poor immigrants into middle-class neighborhoods.


Instead of wanting the government to find an immigration solution that doesn’t put the property of American citizens in jeopardy, The Times said that everyone should stoop to the lowest common denominator.


“The federal government is an irresistible force when it chooses to prioritize an issue. It is past time to prioritize the availability of affordable housing” for immigrants, the editorial, titled “A New Approach on Housing Affordability,” read.


Right, and because the federal government is large and intimidating, they should totally be allowed to bully Americans and infringe on the say-so of local governments. Give me a break.


American citizens shouldn’t have to sacrifice their freedoms because the government can’t control an influx of immigrants.


Throughout the piece, a few major topics were mentioned — all of which share a simple solution.


The first issue mentioned was housing is becoming more expensive, citing that a “growing number of Americans are struggling to cope with the high and rising cost of rental housing in the United States.”


The editorial board proposed that the federal government work to push local governments into “allowing small-scale apartment buildings in single-family neighborhoods.”


The second issue brought up was the idea that suburban homes increase “the cost of housing by limiting the supply of available units.”


“It contributes to climate change, by necessitating sprawl and long commutes. It constrains the economic potential of cities by limiting growth,” the editorial board added.


That brings up real estate investors, who happen to make their living off influxes of outsiders and newcomers. According to Breitbart’s Neil Munro, a lobbying group for investors recently admitted that “mass migration helps investors in major coastal cities.”

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.7038774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794 >>8824 >>8877 >>8904 >>8973 >>9037 >>9214 >>9224

Here is a list of all the Republicans and Democrats Jeffery Epstein donated to


I have listed all the Republicans who received donations from Jeff Epstein from as late as last year all the way to the early 90’s. This list has the names of Epstein’s company or occupation under which the donation came from. It also includes the amount in that which was given and the recipient.


The site I used was opensecrets. I am not familiar with the site, so I don’t know how accurate and ‘up-to-date’ the information is. If you want to recommend a different site or attest to this information, feel free to do so.


Gathering the information:


The site allows you to search for donors by first and last name. The site does not provide specific addresses of donors. The site gives the donors name, occupation, city and zip code.


Extrapolating THE Jeffery E. Epstein:


Obviously, there are many people named Jeffery Epstein in the US. But less people named Jeffery E. Epstein. And even less Jeffery E. Epstein in the VI whose occupation is a “Financier” who donates to politicians. I basically focused on the Jeffery Epstein in Virgin Islands and one in the NY 10022 zip. The two entities had the same type of donation patterns, so they are likely one in the same.




I am almost 100% that Jeff Epstein has donated under multiple names, businesses, and locations. While going through the information, there was some very unusual patterns that seemed to me as if they were trying to hide the source of the donations.


Please let me know if I made any errors

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.7038793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9224

Majorities of Both US Veterans and Public Believe Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan “Not Worth Fighting”


The majority of American veterans and members of the general public agreed in two new surveys that the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the U.S. military campaign in Syria were all “not worth fighting.”


The Pew Research Center, for the pair of polls published Wednesday, asked all respondents to consider the costs versus the benefits to the United States in their analysis of whether each conflict was worthwhile.


Roughly two-thirds of both veterans and members of the public told Pew that the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq wasn’t worth it, and nearly 60 percent said they felt the same way about the ongoing 18-year war in Afghanistan—the longest in U.S. history. The numbers were slightly lower for opposing the American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War, which is also ongoing.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.7038820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sexual Predators Within America’s Power Elite: What You’re Not Being Told


Power corrupts. Anyone who believes differently hasn’t been paying attention.


“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensating to increase. And the dictator (unless he needs cannon fodder and families with which to colonize empty or conquered territories) will do well to encourage that freedom.” — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World


(RI Opinion) — Power corrupts. Anyone who believes differently hasn’t been paying attention.


Politics, religion, sports, government, entertainment, business, armed forces: it doesn’t matter what arena you’re talking about, they are all riddled with the kind of seedy, sleazy, decadent, dodgy, depraved, immoral, corrupt behavior that somehow gets a free pass when it involves the wealthy and powerful elite in America.


In this age of partisan politics and a deeply polarized populace, corruption — especially when it involves sexual debauchery, depravity and predatory behavior — has become the great equalizer.


Take Jeffrey Epstein, the hedge fund billionaire / convicted serial pedophile recently arrested on charges of molesting, raping and sex trafficking dozens of young girls.


It is believed that Epstein operated his own personal sex trafficking ring not only for his personal pleasure but also for the pleasure of his friends and business associates. According to The Washington Post, “several of the young women…say they were offered to the rich and famous as sex partners at Epstein’s parties.” At various times, Epstein ferried his friends about on his private plane, nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”


This is part of America’s seedy underbelly.


As I documented in the in-depth piece I wrote earlier this year, child sex trafficking — the buying and selling of women, young girls and boys for sex, some as young as 9 years old — has become big business in America. It is the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns.


Adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.


It’s not just young girls who are vulnerable to these predators, either.


According to a 2016 investigative report, “boys make up about 36% of children caught up in the U.S. sex industry (about 60% are female and less than 5% are transgender males and females).”


Who buys a child for sex?


Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life. “They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.


Ordinary men, yes.



Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.7038827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9224

Amazon Bans Ex-Gay Therapy Books While Keeping Pro-Suicide Books


Earlier this month, Amazon banned several books on "conversion therapy" that were targeted at autonomous adults with unwanted same-sex attraction. Now, several self-described "ex-gays" have criticized the online retailer outlet for having a glaring double-standard, considering that several pro-suicide books are still allowed to do business on their platform, according to LifeSiteNews.


"Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed 'the father of conversion therapy,'" reported LifeSiteNews at the time of the ban. "In other words, for claiming that change is possible for those who experience unwanted same-sex attraction, Dr. Nicolosi’s books must be banned."

Nicolosi was the co-founder of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. He died in 2017. Amazon reportedly pulled his books after one man, Rojo Alan of England, pushed them into doing so. The company did not initially ban the books, arguing that they did not violate their rules. Nevertheless, Alan persisted and began demanding people on social media bombard the books with bad reviews while researching ways in which the books violated Amazon's rules on publishing.

Shortly thereafter, Voice of the Voiceless, an organization that represents former homosexuals, launched a petition demanding that Amazon lift the ban while denouncing the company for its glaring hypocrisy.

“Hey! Amazon and LGBTQ activists, it is disingenuous to use the suicide argument as a reason to remove the exLGBTQ Christian’s testimony and Christian discipleship books," said the organization's founder Daren Mehl. "That lie doesn’t work."

Mehl added that if Amazon truly cared "about suicide and preventing books from contributing to suicides," the company would have banned litanies of pro-suicide books from being sold on their platform years ago. Here are just a few examples:

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.7038856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9224

‘Unity4J’ Twitter Account Aimed at Supporting Julian Assange Suspended Without Explanation


“Unity4J,” of the biggest Twitter accounts aimed specifically at supporting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has been suspended from Twitter without any explanation.


The nonpartisan account had over 10,000 followers and shared news and updates from both left and right wing sources.


Christy Dopf, one of the admins on the account, told The Gateway Pundit that they have not been given a reason for the suspension from Twitter. “We have only received correspondence that our appeal was received and open,” she said. “With over 10k followers, this creates a large gap on the communication Unity4J passed on about #FreeAssange events currently and information on how to be involved/support Julian, and breaking news on his situation.”


Christine Assange, mother of the WikiLeaks founder, has blasted Twitter for the ban.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.7038890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9224

Broken Bloomberg


Participants distance themselves from Bloomberg AG Scheme


A scheme by Michael Bloomberg to punish oil producers by placing hand-picked environmental lawyers in attorney general offices could be breaking apart.


The billionaire former mayor of New York City created a pipeline at New York University's law school called the State Energy and Environmental Impact Center (SEEIC). It grooms law students to become environmentalist attorney and then pays their salaries once they join state attorney general offices across the nation. Maryland Deputy Attorney General Carolyn Quattrocki said in a 2017 email to colleagues that the purpose of hiring SEEIC-sponsored lawyers was driven by partisanship.


"The gist is that Bloomberg is funding through NYU some fellowship positions for midcareer environmental litigators to be farmed out to State Attorneys General to join the fight against Trump's rollback of our environmental protection laws and regulations," she wrote.


While Quattrocki and Frosh disclosed their motivations in private emails to colleagues, other states went public about the partnerships. Some of Bloomberg's partners, however, are distancing themselves from the program amid inquiries from watchdogs, while others are denying their participation,


The office of the attorney general (OAG) in Pennsylvania was listed in an early press release issued by the SEEIC. In 2017 Democrat Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro boasted about the placements of many of the first "fellowship" attorneys.


"We are delighted to hire a special assistant attorney general through NYU School of Law to work with our Chief Deputy Attorney General for Environmental Protection to take on and prosecute cases against anyone who breaks the law and harms Pennsylvanians and our environment," Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said in that press release from December of 2017. A Shapiro spokesperson denied that the office had partnered with Bloomberg.


"We didn't participate in the program," the spokesperson said in an email to the Washington Free Beacon.


The SEEIC also said it had the approval of Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, who later admitted to wearing blackface.


"I look forward to the opportunities this partnership will provide to address climate change and protect our environment for future generations," Herring was quoted as saying.


Herring's office reiterated its commitment to the program and its goals in an application to acquire SEEIC attorneys.


"The addition of an NYU Fellow would provide a full-time attorney to allow General Herring to participate much more fully in cooperative efforts to advance the agenda represented by the State Impact Center."


The Virginia attorney general's office is now backing away from Bloomberg's group. It denied having ever participated in the program in a court filing.


Herring and his office did not respond to requests for comment.


Virginia lawmakers responded to ongoing litigation by taking action to circumvent third party placements and funding for state law enforcement. The general assembly required that all salaries of attorneys working under the color of law in the OAG can only come from the monies appropriated by the state budget.


Other states have cute ties with SEEIC without the urging of lawmakers. While the New York OAG took on two of the SEEIC fellowship attorneys, the relationship was later severed months before the two-year contracted terms expired. The New York OAG kept the attorneys in the office, however, and began paying them from office funds.


SEEIC did not respond to requests for comment, nor did it answer questions about the status of the program's placements.


Chris Horner, a conservative watchdog with the nonprofit Government Accountability and Oversight (GAO), has been monitoring the SEEIC program since its inception, using open records requests to obtain documents about its operations. He said the fanfare about hiring Bloomberg attorneys has faded.


"The reconsideration by at least three offices is instructive, as is the silence of all new participants — if there have been any after the scrutiny, and aborted participation by Pennsylvania's and Virginia's AGs," Horner said in an email. "It shows legal, ethical and political risks of participating in this scheme became too much."


The scrutiny of the program, as well as ethics questions, has led some states to avoid contact with the group. A spokesperson for Democrat Attorney General Phil Weiser said the office has no plans to bring one of Bloomberg's attorneys onto the staff.


"The Attorney General’s office has not had an SEEIC fellow on staff, we do not currently have such a fellow on staff, and we do not have any plans to accept one," a spokesperson for the office said.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.7038910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9224

Netanyahu taps linguist and LGBTQ rights activist as foreign media spokesperson


South Africa-born Evan Cohen last year criticized government’s surrogacy law as ‘shameful’; has no previous experience in public diplomacy


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday appointed South Africa-born academic Dr. Evan Cohen as his new spokesperson for international media.


The post had been vacant since September 2018, when Los Angeles native David Keyes stepped down amid reports of sexual misconduct.


Cohen, 51, currently teaches linguistics at Tel Aviv University, where he received his academic degrees. According to the university, his research focuses on phonology, phonetics and heritage linguistics.


The Ramat Gan resident, who moved to Israel when he was nine, is the founding chairman of Likud Pride, the party’s caucus for LGBTQ rights, a fact Netanyahu noted in a tweet announcing his appointment.


“Evan is a talented man and he founded the pride caucus in Likud. We have great missions ahead of us for Israel’s public diplomacy,” the prime minister wrote.


In 2018, Cohen spoke out publicly against the government’s decision not to include same-sex couples in a new surrogacy law, calling it “shameful.”


מיניתי את ד״ר אוון כהן לתפקיד היועץ לתקשורת הבינלאומית. אוון איש מוכשר והוא ייסד את התא הגאה בליכוד. משימות גדולות בפנינו למען ההסברה הישראלית. בהצלחה!


— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) July 14, 2019


Cohen is also the director and founder of the Tel Aviv Scrabble Club, and has competed in several Scrabble World Championships.


He is not known to have any prior experience in public diplomacy.


Israeli public diplomacy often highlights the country’s open-minded LGBTQ atmosphere. Netanyahu recently appointed Amir Ohana, a Likud MK, as justice minister — Israel’s first openly gay cabinet member. The education minister, Rafi Peretz, of the Union of Right-Wing Parties, is currently embroiled in controversy over remarks in a TV interview in support of gay conversion therapy.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, noon No.7039002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9224

House Passes $733 Billion NDAA to Veto Threat, Uncertain Future


Major party battle expected in attempt to reconcile House and Senate bills


In a 220-197 vote early Friday afternoon, the House of Representatives passed the $733 billion 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), setting the stage for multiple battles, including a party-line fight over reconciling House and Senate versions.


Senate leaders blocked a lot of similar amendments in their version of the NDAA, many of them seen as controversial to the Trump Administration. The House version included a lot of amendments, preemptively defunding an attack on Iran, defunding the Yemen War, and moving to repeal both the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs.


The tough language trying to see Congress reclaim its authority over wars is driving President Trump to threaten a veto if he ends up faced with the House version as the final bill. The House seems determined to stand up for at least some of these amendments.


And that’s where things could get very sticky. President Trump has tended to get around Congressional oversight with vetoes, but the House can hold up military funding, or even try to override the veto in this case. This could set the stage for an ugly standoff over military funding, and whether the president can in any way be reined in on issues of war.

Anonymous ID: 64e264 July 14, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.7039190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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John 21:11


11 So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.