Exactly, we DO NOT deal with top secret intel. Q leaves posts that are so non specific that there is no possible way to ascertain the truth. And Q does not confirm whether we are on the right track or not.
What he does do is give info and things to research to make connections on our own about the actors. This is for red pilling friends/family. Social media is pretty much useless for us. So meme's are no longer very effective. That's our only role here. It is not life and death for us. We have no control over any of it.
So, if fake Q gets off by shitting up the boards, it is best to ignore and read on. Same with FE/Biblefags/UFO'ers, etc.
8ch is the last place on the planet for uncensored speech. Many things I don't want to see here, but I am damn well not going to advocate for censorship of anyone. You will get use to just ignoring him along with the others.