All you fucks that believe in Time Travel/UFOs can rest assured you are most definitely and thoroughly brainwashed and programmed by the mainstream media. Especially Boomerfucks.
The movie E.T. (and many others) are about sex trafficking/child molestation and anal rape. Pizza(gate), 'balls', penises are all encoded into Speilberg trash. Indian Jones was a child molester as was Dr. 'Brown' (time travel).
Why are aliens abducting and putting shit up people's asses?
All you Satanic UFO Ops should get the demonic ass rape you so dream to endure (and will love it!).
E.T. fuck you home.
IF Aliens were real they would wait and talk to A.I. because most of you shit stains are ignorant.
E.T. is a wrinkled penis that wants to stick his finger in your ass and open you 'heart/fart light'.