We are now seeing how deeply the system has been corrupted. We can see how trusted people and entire agencies were co-opted to destroy families. I have been posting selected stories from the medicalkidnap.com web site for a while now. I'd like to see this site make NOTABLES just for existing and for reporting daily on the ursurpations and oppressions of CPS ("Child Protective Services") in all its various cancerous forms throughout the USA (and WORLD).
I became aware of medical kidnapping based upon personal experience and studying how parents who "deviate" from state requirements on ANYTHING can literally (and completely unconstitutionally) find their children snatched and sold to the highest bidder via Bill Clinton approved federal money to states who adopt children out of foster care and other nefarious schemes. People who try to expose what has been going on have been killed, including, I suspect an acquaintance of mine.
It is completely appropriate that the person "forcing" the "Q" is a baby. We know how a society is doing by looking at how the people Jesus called "the least" are doing. American babies are doing terribly. Despite more money spent on health care than in any other country in the world we have health outcomes that are lower than that paragon of virtue CUBA. Babies regularly suffer permanent debilitating brain injuries after vaccines that are consistently and completely covered-up as 'coincidences'. The only woman with no rights in America is a MOTHER. Once she has a baby she is "hysterical" if she simply reports what she saw happen to her child.
It is funny what gets called "health care" in the US: Abortion and the forcible injection of multiple toxic concoctions into the still developing tiny bodies of human babies. Abortion is "health care" but producing healthy offspring has been criminalized in America.