Anonymous ID: ac2d5f Black cube July 18, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.7086446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6462 >>6615

>>7085490 (pb notable)


Obsession with the BLACK CUBE is also why this is the altar in the meditation room at the U.N. head office.


“He banned chairs and replaced them with benches; in the center of the room he placed a six-and-half-ton rectangular block of iron ore, polished on the top and illuminated from above by a single spotlight. This block, which was a gift of the King of Sweden and a Swedish mining company, was the only symbol in the Room. Mr. Hammarskjöld described it as "…a meeting of the light, of the sky, and the earth… it is the altar to the God of all…. we want this massive altar to give the impression of something more than temporary…". “