Anonymous ID: ee9642 July 18, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.7086061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6179

Fine, I’ll say it this way now.


When those that have had information suppressed from them such as AGI’s/‘Roswell’/vast technologies etc (outside of the public scope of understanding) continually are uninformed throughout their lives to them while all else progresses, they themselves will run into existential crisis once known. Why not drip other items of interest too, Q? You may all be contributing to that information crisis if we, the tax paying American public, cannot access certain ‘classified’ (debatably nat sec threatening) documents and programs outside our scope.


Why not talk about Ripple (XRP) as the rail line for new Fed structure? WHY NOT ROSWELL? It is not just about the arrests/global poli change, we know you have listened there.


When can we expect a revolutionary information update beyond ‘the Great Awakening’?


I, personally, would like more. I, personally, do not feel certain things could shock those who seek as much as you may think. Wrong/right?

Anonymous ID: ee9642 July 18, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.7086179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is this not just as important to some here, lurkers included? Does information not pique the curious mind here? Can some anons not appreciate wonder, truth and awe at what mankind has truly accomplished, good OR bad? Of course they can.


Please, Q. Please hear me.