Most observers and practitioners of martial arts will never even scratch the surface of the more esoteric understandings of energy and breath in martial arts. The same understanding in accupuncture/accuptessure and qi gong is the foundation of healing or disruping energy flow, mystic arts. They exist gloablly in all indigenous populations.
Who is the da silva family in brazil, and qhy do thwy have six fingers?
Seperately, the Gracie family is a 'family', obvious is obvious…
And they would surely be aware of the symbols they use.
The gracie family is synonumous with BJJ the world over. How does any group achieve such a feat? By being in the club.
Who was the first Gracie BJJ black belt in america? Steve MAXWELL. Both maxwell and the gracie family travel the wrold teaching to whoever is paying. The weathy, elite, LEO, spec ops the world over.
Facts>feels, everytime.