What an awful way to die.
>>7097674 China Looking to Save Face in Trade Talks
Kappy worked himself into some very dark corners.
Hard to call her a racist.
Brig. Gen. Lorna Mahlock
Brigadier General Lorna Mahlock is the Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) and the Deputy Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Marine Corps. Prior to her current assignment, she served as Deputy Director, Headquarters Marine Corps Plans, Policy and Operations and Commanding Officer, Marine Air Control Group 18, Okinawa, Japan.
Born in Kingston, Jamaica, she immigrated to Brooklyn, New York and enlisted in the Marine Corps. She was selected for the Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program, graduated from Marquette University and was commissioned in December 1991.
Designated as an Air Traffic Control Officer, she earned certifications as a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Tower Local Controller and a Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Instructor. She has commanded and led at various levels globally and in combat including but not limited to: Air Traffic Control Detachment Commander; Executive Officer - 1st Stinger Battery; Director - Marine Corps Instructional Management School; Air Control Officer - G3 Future Operations 1st Marine Aircraft Wing; Company Commander - Operation SOUTHERN WATCH and IRAQI FREEDOM 01; Operations and Executive Officer - IRAQI FREEDOM 02; Director - Marine Air Command and Control System Experimental; Commanding Officer - IRAQI FREEDOM 8; Information Management Officer; J3 Land Operations Lead and Division Executive Officer, Headquarters European Command; Marine Corps Office of Legislative Affairs and Assistant Chief of Staff G6.
She holds a Masters Degree in Adult and Higher Education from the University of Oklahoma at Norman; a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies with distinction from the Naval Post Graduate School, Newport, Rhode Island; a Masters in Strategic Studies from the US Army War College and a Masters Certificate in Information Operations from the Naval Post Graduate School. She also is a graduate of the United Kingdom Defense College Higher Command and Staff.
Brigadier General Mahlock’s personal awards include Legion of Merit; Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious Service Medal; Joint Service Commendation Medal; Joint Service Achievement Medal; Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal; Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and Good Conduct Medal.
Lots of Q related specialties. Also, can't shoot.
Never seen it before on a flag officer. God help us if that was re-qual.
Mifsud connections to his daddy, Maltese both, agree.
Sad how far he's fallen.
It's not the internet itself, it's the Al Gore Ryhthms.
Bonus Jezebel connection
There's something to him. It's nagging.
There's that Agnelli again
>Jose Calzada
4 + 13 = ?
You don't hate all Maltese? You even American bro? We friggin' hate the Maltese! Eff them bastards!
Aye, the BC v DJT leaves out HRC, who is going to the Island. Many times.
If it's the president's watch, and it's on the table, the president is nearby
>>7097938 Paradise Papers: The new Panama Papers?
I believe that is cabal speak for "will be possessed by satan" soon.
The Eternal Lady = the "Queen of Heaven", the "Mother of God", Semiramis of Babylon, wife of Nimrod, mother of Tammuz
Same as the stock market. The closer the reality to Hussein becoming president, the lower the market.
The closer the reality that Trump would prosecute, the higher the arrests.
Good to hear, 'cause the Corps has been fucked up for a while now. Lost the "Every Marine a Rifleman" ethos.
Fucking pizza boxes.
Seriously, Q, bust her balls over this.
owner of VIRGIN airlines, owner of party where "real" NXVIM parties took place. surprisingly still under the radar.
Pedo symbols run the classics
He's another dude that's literally trying to escape off-planet, like Elon.
This is how they're spinning Bug Juice
Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg[1] ( /ˈbʊtɪdʒɪdʒ/ BUUT-ih-jij;[2][3] born January 19, 1982) is an American politician and former military officer who has served as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, since 2012. He is running for the Democratic Party nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election.
No shit. Need to repost in fresher bread.
Buy gun stores, close gun stores.
I suppose it only works if you can buy all existing stores, and buy all startups.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy looking forward to hearing how the Clintons are in failing health. Might just cause the sickening lurch my stomach made Election Day 1992 to be cured.
So, like, Mohammad?
Q+ Set The Marker Today!
7/19/19 at 4:49 pm in New Jersey, state where Epstein was arrested!