are "WE The PEOPLE" sheep if our 'leaders' are 100% transparent = """zero %" hidden from "WE The PEOPLE" ?
when do "WE The PEOPLE" become sheep?
yes ,,,,the word (racist/racism) is used for reasons other than as truthful description..
..Who resonates with this ?
who cheers on leaders whom follow this tactic?
more christian????
misleading from th e gate…..
for who dec=ides such? who is able know all hearts? who is the giver of salvation ?
what answrs u have for the ones here (u yellow posted)?
her usa hating..jihad training spirit–is emerging
will all this be in history books (in true light) for generations to come to know ?
"raisin cain"
"raising cane"
how u herd / guide sheep?
tv/film where they get their plots?
i decided my gender ..
ogp..== orignal penis
may not fit in lbgt..etc gang ..3 letters..wil need hust use "p"
"p" gender identifiaction = born with penis,still have penis,,,like my penis in vagina…
oh should wriyte "v" for vagina…"v: gender identification = born with vagina,still have vagina,,,like "p" penis in vagina
so now we have == lbgtpv
cool cat cool