Epstein is a near perfect james bond villain.
/* To the more ?emotional among you, this idea might
be ?uncomfortable. With respect to you, chill out
or piss off. */
JE characteristics
very good looking, but with a villanous cast
tall, athletic
can kill you with his bare hands
filthy rich
secret island base
deadly female hench?man (Maxwell)
scores of pretty girls around him
has a dominant factor the audience is sure to oppose
i.e. pedo/child-slaver/…
blackmailing word leaders
connected to spies
to russia
to mossad
arrogant (spells out "pedo" in the tiles around his temple)
has a temple
jewish last name
connected to charities == pretending to be a "philanthropist"
really more a philo-paithi-ist
or a philo-nearos-ist
All he needs is a volcano on his island
and an underground submarine base.
Q has said this is all a movie. Is JE an actor?
If he has done the things he's accused of, he should hang.
He deserves the worst.
If not, tho…
If he's a "movie villain", he is brilliantly cast.
my respect to the free men #amazigh
the black parade