>>7100692 LB
B2 Clock plus a few more.
>>7100692 LB
B2 Clock plus a few more.
How is the QClock fake? If you learned to read you would know that Q has spoken about the clock repeatedly. That is the clock that was developed here. Deal with it.
The date is set from Dec.07. Did you look at that clock or just offer your opinion? How many coincidences do you need Anon?
That is the clock that was developed. Unless you can produce a better one then just claiming it is crap isn't really an argument.
Dates one year delta has been used in the past. That certainly isn't always the case though.
So how would being wrong about it make me "full of clowncrap"?
Anything clock related seems to trigger cries of shill and slide.
Thanks for the grab.
That isn't always the case Anon. Not saying it doesn't happen (see one year anniversary "coincidences" on here) but claiming it is "every prediction" is false. The clock isn't made to predict. It is made so future proves past. How many coincidences?
Funny you haven't contributed anything in the CWQ thread then if you claim to be working on the clock.
Can you read?
EST is what matters.