Is it really withdrawal or memory attachment.
Gave up meth fulltime easily. Attacks come harder when using all the time!! Unseen entities.
My opinion and experience though
Anyone out there done tests with an electroencephalography on people under the influence and what happens to the brain waves.
All studies on drugs and their effects on people have been banned. Ever Wonder why?
Amazon jungle doctors (cant remember tribe) use tobacco in their healing rituals and blow the tobacco over the person to remove demonic entities
Tailor cigarettes are shit especially in Australia after Bush fires blamed on normies and now they have fire retardant in them!!
Might be a bit hard to test effects of any hard stimulants on people cause the fuckers might be a bit to hard to keep still
Psychologists say there is an underlying aspect to addictions and that you have to root out the problem to end the addiction
Were all going through this KETTLE