So what's been going on that we don't know about?
Will these slaves get reparations?
Always wondered,
who are the 10% that wouldn't be in the hospital,
medical personnel who are taking care of the 90%?
So not literally in a hospital. That would be logistically impossible.
But sick enough to need to be in a hospital.
So 10% would be people who weren't exposed and hid in bolt holes/bunkers?
I went back and found the original Q post #142, 11-12-17.
It says:
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Other anon said 90%, but that was incorrect.
But regardless, what does it mean?
I could never figure this out.
So they are killing us and making us sick and lying to us at every turn?
I get that, it's the hospital bit that throws me off.
I keep thinking something along the lines of if the truth is released that "they " have a weapon, i.e. a plague of some sort that would infect 99% of us.
Sort of like their Final Solution for us, so they can bring in their NWO.
It took me a bit to get to the sight.
I am familiar with Sarah Ruth Ashcraft.
I used to read a lot of her tweets about Hivites.
Lots of eye openers there.
One of my first introductions to this pedovore stuff.
Also, read Cathy O'Brien's TRANCE Formation of America.
Until Q came along, I couldn't understand how these people could get away with all of the stuff they do.
I guess I had an idea it was bc they control everything.
I just never knew to what extent.