Here's a lot of breadcrumbs. Keep digging, you're missing some important stuff.
>Epstein's Zorro Ranch, registered to the address in pic related.
>9100 Havensight St 15/16 St Thomas VI
>Address is connected to a law firm which employees a one Erika Kellerhals. Erika is the treasurer and secretary for Epstein's charities.
>Who is Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett? >How far is her residence from Pedo Island?
>This pizza company, liked by Erika on >Fagbook, has a Yelp page here:
>But the link goes to a domestic/international moving company:
>The actual pizza shop is:
All the pics in pic attached were taken from that creepy Virgin Island "pizza" moving company. Check out the potato quality style of that website and the garbage grammar and lack of attention to detail. This is not a real operation trying to attract business….this is something else.