it's a prerequisite for getting the CFR's seal of approval to run for office.
Gregorian chant would probably piss them off a whole lot more
Satanists absolutely hate the Book of Psalms, I wonder why
A lot of of metal music is satanic - they would love it I'm afraid
Magic Sword = Talisman Sabre
i'm afraid it's been going on since the 50s, at least.
it's one reason we need a Space Force
cabal critters actually dream of doing all kinds of bizarre chimera / human genetic engineering experiments on Mars that surface society on Earth would never condone
i see you've got William Alexander and Queen Beatrix from the Netherlands there
What's your take on this week's return of a U.S. battle flag from Holland? what do you think POTUS discussed with the Dutch?
how is the Stena ship connected to the Goetia?
ty anon, this looks like something good to dig on
i mean, the Goetia is part of the Lesser Key of Solomon, a guidebook to calling 72 demons of hell into some degree of physical manifestation so that one can 'work' with them - cut deals, boss them around, send them on tasks, etc. they generally ask for payment in the blood of innocents and other forms of 'loosh'.
Haven't exactly heard of digging holes in the ground as part of Goetic rituals but then again I'm not someone who practices this sort of thing. Mark Passio might know something about it.
>bring down towers, aroused
I tentatively understand it as 'knocking down the pillars of Boaz and Joachim' in the Temple of Solomon, so that the satanic cabal can climb the allegorical ladder you often see in masonic lodge drawings - pic related.
They think that by scaling this ladder, they can ascend to a place free of God's rules -hence 'free'masonry, a place they sometimes call the Hyperuranion Realm since it's thought to be beyond the orbit of Uranus, which acts as kind of the outer limit of God's sphere of control.
>That's just weird. Is it through possession?
i think it's partly through possession, which they actively desire/embrace and seek to accomplish.
but there is also a genetic component it appears - the fang-like teeth are one of the giveaways and no doubt helped to develop the vampire lore over the centuries.
bbiankaa has come up a lot on this board over the last few weeks
a search on brings up lots of digs on her stuff
no need to reinvent the wheel or have several anons duplicating one another's work.
i'm afraid ectogenesis has been a scientific reality in proprietary and classified programs for quite a long time now.
what they've done with it is part of what would put 90pct of people in hospital.
newburyport is only 25 miles from Salem
long history of witchcraft and satanism in that area
i think the 99% remark referred to how a full revealing of The Truth would force people to confront the fact that their long-held and societally-reinforced conceptions of the human afterlife are fundamentally flawed.
One thing that keeps the sheep putting up with the cabal's bullshit is the idea that after a long hard life of suffering, disease, poverty, etc. one will live eternally in some form with one's deceased parents, brothers and sistersโฆ heck, many normies even think their old pets are going to be there waiting for them on the 'other side'.
To face the fact that the reality of the human afterlife - and the post-afterlife experience - is much more grim, confusing, and unpleasantโฆ would shatter people's ultimate source of solace amid the insanities of the spiritual war we live in. most people simply couldn't take it.
many people think that pigs are a type of chimera formed in the pre-flood world.
hence why some pig organs can be used in human surgeries
hence why Jews and some others came to consider eating pork as something approaching cannibalism
the idea that certain elite human groups have been doing business with ET's - and yes, biological lifeforms sometimes being the commodity in question - goes back long before Corey Goode.
A.R. Bordon wrote about it in a book entitled 'The Link' in 2007.
Bordon died under mysterious terms and many thought he was murdered. His writings from a decade ago have aged well, to put it mildly, with the appearance of Q.
Whitley Strieber - the much-maligned horror novelist - used to emphasize how 'soul science', including techniques of soul transfer was one area in which his 'Gray Aliens' were much more advanced than humans.
Leaving aside the question of who/what Grays are, it does seem that defeating the cabal has to address this issue above and beyond simplistic solutions like 'send them all to Gitmo and execute them.'
True cabal satanists scoff at hte idea that this is any kind of long-term solution, given their presumed superiority in 'soul science', as Strieber would put it.
it would be coo if Strieber would visit this board from time to time.
and people always wondered why the movies about The Mutiny on the Bounty ended with the 'immigrants' taking up refuge on Pitcairn Island.
The movies never showed what actually went on there.
>What would a real alien invasion look?
>slowly crawling into human soceity, staying in the shadows and change it from the inside?
yes, especially if the invaders had certain rules they had to follow