Yes .. the genetics of our biokind are valuable.. more precious than gold.
Foo Fighters were collecting dead and live during WW2.
Deal made with Ike was broken .. they were mutilating and stealing humans.
But these are the greys (zetas) that are under Anunaki control ..
So the bad alien is putting an alien out there for us to “find”.. it is there space.. and the bloodline children related to bad alien that are in govt start control narrative of aliens bad .. must spend $$$ .. invasion coming..
But all the while these people in the government are the ones that serve the bad alien..
A Hegelian Dialectic..
Von Braun Warner about this on his death bed.. Soviet Union .. Islamic terrorists .. rogue nations.. then the alien invasion.
This has been their plan for 50 years. They used the alien disclosure to gain total control of governments and create CIA and NASA and spend trillions of dollars .. when all along the ones doing it were the Adapa bloodline / the Noah bloodline that are double seeded children of EnKi .. controlled by Marduk / Moloch / Ra / Hadad / Satan / Lucifer… same dude.